Bliss #2 is published by Image Comics, Written by Sean Lewis and art by Caitlin Yarsky. As Perry’s gives his account of his father’s actions, he attempts to put perspective to his many crimes. Even when a person has a noble intention, like protecting his family, it can still lead them to make some extremely bad decisions.
The world is a complicated place. What can seem simple from the outside can become infinitely more nuanced the closer one gets to the center of things. And even while some crimes cannot be made relatable, their motives often can be. Desperation and fear have driven many a decent person to do things they would never consider doing other wise. This is doubly true when it comes to the ones a person loves.
The bulk of Bliss #2‘s dark fantasy narrative is comprised of Perry’s account of his father Benton’s actions and motivations from his point of view. As he delves into his father’s many murderous transgressions he never fails to see his father as anything but a good man. A desperate man, yes. A desperate one that made a horrible deal that has put him in a place where he must to do horrible things? Also, yes. Perry does nothing to attempt to excuse his father of his wrong doings, but rather try’s to show the place his father was in when his devil’s deal was made. Author Lewis uses this motive to paint Perry’s father in a complicated light. Never is this clearer than during a deep discourse between Benton and his wife Mabel. This moment in Bliss #2 is a highlight for me. The scene is wholly classic, and executed to perfection.
After having fled his home when he can’t respond to a question posed by his son, Benton returns late that night to find his wife waiting on the front steps for him. What ensues is a rather obtuse conversation about what he’s been doing for work, is he in trouble and has he put their family in danger. If you have ever experienced a story about a good meaning guy whose gotten caught up in crime, you’ve probably seen this scene before. As I said, it’s a classic. Lewis makes this classic scenario his own though through his wonderful sense of balance with the dialogue.
Mabel’s confrontation with her husband is provided with an amazing blend of strength, determination and wariness. She knows something is up. And it has her worried. But this is a man that she trusts implicitly. The way Lewis has her word her questions to Benton perfectly capture the feelings of an individual facing a difficult situation with many important motivations fighting inside them.
The emotional narrative of Bliss #2 is further enhanced by Yarsky’s art. Every emotional expression and burdened soul is captured within the pages of this book. From their wonderful character designs to the perfectly chosen color palette, Yarsky never fails to capture the emotion in these pages.
When all is said and done, Bliss #2 delivers a complicated emotional narrative that builds its story up for the next issue. If this story is a taste of things to come readers have a lot to look forward to as this tale continues to unfold.
Bliss #2 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Bliss #2
When all is said and done, Bliss #2 delivers a complicated emotional narrative that builds its story up for the next issue. If this story is a taste of things to come readers have a lot to look forward to as this tale continues to unfold.