Yona of the Dawn Volume 25 is an action-adventure romance fantasy manga created, written, and illustrated by Mangaka Mizuho Kusanagi. The English-language release is published through VIZ Media. The series centers on a young red-haired princess said to be the reincarnation of the red dragon god that founded the Kingdom of Kouka. When Yona’s cousin Su-won murders her father to seize the thrown she flees her homeland to find the Four Dragon Warriors in order to take back her home.
Yona of the Dawn Volume 25 consists of chapters 141 through 146 and picks right back up where the previous volume left off. Yona comes face-to-face with her cousin Su-won to tell him that waging war against the nation of Xing would be disastrous. Later, in hopes of stopping the war before it can start, Yona rushes back to Princess Kouren, but assassins and danger await in for them Xing. And with the Four Dragons still not fully recovered from their last fight they may be too late to protect Yona from all who threaten her life.
The art in this volume is superb. I especially like the use of different art styles used in a particular panel when Shin-Ah uses his blue dragon powers. Kusanagi blends the use of juxtaposed art styles shows the blue dragon’s warrior’s murderous intent. To show there is a shift in their aura and entered a blood lust or berserker mode. What I love most of all about this manga is that even though it is a romance manga, the story does not solely revolve around romance. I love that Yona of the Dawn knows how to prioritize the story and characters’ motives in a reasonable manner based on the settings. This volume gives is a prime example of that.
In this volume, Yona and Hak see each other for the first since they shared their first kiss together in the previous volume when they went their separate ways. While it is obvious that there is some awkwardness between them and the kiss is on both of their minds. However, the setting to discuss their feelings together is less than desirable since they are trying to prevent a war from breaking out. Hak even mentions to Yona, that once everything is over that he wants them both to have a discussion.
I appreciated this moment in this volume because it is a great example of how even though this is a romance manga, romance does is not the only motivation and plot that the series revolves around. That the characters themselves also know how to prioritize their feelings when needed.
Lastly, another thing that I enjoyed in Yona of the Dawn Volume 25 is the consistency of Yona’s growth as the heroine of the series. From the beginning of the series to now Kusanagi has continually shown that Yona has grown and continues to grow into strong, confident, resourceful, and capable throughout the series.
Some great examples of Yona’s growth in this volume are when she bravely stands up her cousin Su-won, the man that murdered her father, to convince him to form a treaty with an enemy kingdom. Or when she quickly makes a bench into a makeshift shield to protect herself and Princess Kouren from their enemy’s arrows.
It’s powerful to see a character like Yona who was once a spoiled and immature girl grow into such a capable heroine. Even though she has powerful men at her disposal who would gladly put their lives on the line for her. She and her comrades believe in her abilities and skills and no one treats her like a damsel in distress.
Yona of the Dawn Volume 25 is a great read and I highly recommend picking it up. This is a manga that is consistently good through and through! From the story and characters to the art. It just keeps getting better and better as the series goes on. The Kusanagi continually delivers a great manga that makes me appreciate the series and look forward to the next installment.
Yona of the Dawn Volume 25 will be available at bookstores and online on August 4.
Yona of the Dawn Volume 25
Yona of the Dawn, Vol. 25 is a great read and I highly recommend picking it up. This is a manga that is consistently good through and through! From the story and characters to the art. It just keeps getting better and better as the series goes on. The Kusanagi continually delivers a great manga that makes me appreciate the series and look forward to the next installment.