Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Ghosts #1 is published by BOOM! Studios under the Archaia imprint, written and illustrated by Márk László, with colors by Patricio Delpeche and letters by Jim Campbell. The Storyteller weaves a sad tale about the ghost of an abandoned child. In cold harsh woods, this unrestful spirit waits. But for what or whom?
The Storyteller books always have a particular theme to them. Whether it be dragons, giants, sirens, or in this case ghosts. With this theme comes an understanding of the type of story you will be getting. And Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Ghosts #1 delivers exactly the type of story I would expect. The story of the Myling is the sort of story told around the campfire. Creepy in its way, but certainly nothing to truly frighten. The story flows smoothly, with momentary intermissions returning the reader to The Storyteller and his dog. These intermissions reinforce the feeling that you are hearing this tale before a fire.
While Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Ghosts #1 comes to a firm conclusion, it left me wondering what the point was. It feels like a narrative that is supposed to have a lesson in it. Something you take with you when the story is done. If this is the case, I didn’t get it. Instead, it is a well-handled ghost story that sees the situation it presents comes to a firm conclusion. Overall, it flows well and is competently delivered.
The art presented here also does a good job of relaying its story. László balances the mood quite well, letting it feel like a ghost story, but not diving into the spookiness too much. Though my favorite aspect of the art was the character designs. Each character in this book has a decidedly muppet-like look to them. The muppets always hold a warm spot in my heart. I grew up on them and the art in this book really took me back to that place. Along with pulling at my heartstrings, this design choice also helped greatly in keeping the story in a solidly tame for kids’ tone it aims to achieve. After all, how spooky can a muppet be?
Another aspect of the artistic presentation that is worth noting is Delpeche’s colors. There is an interesting mix of colorwork present here. On the one hand, the colors provide a great contrast in the images as key things pop out and demand to be looked at. This is somewhat surprising to me because the art has a bit of a grainy look to it. This gives it a mildly washed-out feel, once again reinforcing the feeling that this is an old tale. The fact that both these impressions are garnered simultaneously is an impressive feat on Delpeche’s part.
When all is said and done Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Ghosts #1 provides an adequate story, complemented by a lovely visual presentation. I can easily see how this book could have a stronger impact on a younger audience for whom the tale might have just that right touch of spooky.
Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Ghosts #1 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Ghosts #1
Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Ghosts #1 provides an adequate story, complemented by a lovely visual presentation.