Batman: Pennyworth RIP #1 follows the events of King’s Batman run and picks up with the grieving Bat-Family after the Alfred Pennyworth Children Hosptial’s ceremonious opening. The issue is published by DC Comics, written by James Tynion IV (Batman) and Peter J. Tomasi, with art by Eddie Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Chris Burnham, Marcio Takara, Diogenes Neves, David Lafuente, and Sumit Kumar. It also features colors from Adriano Lucas, Rex Lokus, and Nathan Fairbairn with letters by Travis Lanham and Tom Napolitano.
After the opening of the hospital, the Bat-Family, including Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, and Ric Grayson, meet to hash out their differences in honor of Alfred. Damian was the last person to see the butler, family friend, and father figure alive. His guilt over the events haunts him as he begins to push away from his family, even when he needs them most. Tim however, recognizes this grieving Bruce from the time right after Jason died. He knows how dangerous a grieving and irrational Batman can be.
Each member of the Bat-Family has their own concerns about their future, both as heroes and a family, without Alfred. Throughout the issue, each member of the Bat-Family relays through a story just how much Alfred means to them and how angry they are at Bruce for the transgressions that were never fixed. Each story features a different art style but because is a flashback, it is never disorienting. However, the strongest moments of the comic are not during the flashbacks, but instead, in the dingy bar that serves as the neutral ground, they all agreed to meet at. Tynion and Tomasi’s script is emotional and fans feel the loss of Alfred as much as the characters on the panels.
Batman: Pennyworth RIP #1 brings all the recent events from King’s run to Snyder’s mini-series, The Batman Who Laughs, together. Much like Alfred was the glue bring the Wayne’s together, Batman: Pennyworth RIP #1 brings all of Batman’s continuity together in a graceful and impactful way. Even though I haven’t loved everything going on in DC Comics, particularly Ric Grayson’s story arcs, the reminder of the stories’ existence doesn’t bother me here because of how well it is crafted.
While some of the artwork in Batman: Pennyworth RIP #1 isn’t perfect and the coloring on Barbara’s hair is very off, the issue is still spectacular. Tynion and Tomasi’s script provides the perfect catharsis for fans still reeling over Alfred’s death. Additionally, both writers time on Detective Comics has given them plenty of experience writing and understanding the Bat-Family’s dynamic. Each character feels true to themselves. Barbara’s frustration, Tim’s concern, and Jason’s loneliness all come through perfectly.
Overall, Batman: Pennyworth RIP #1 is a must-read for Batman fans and also is a great way to catch up on the most recent events without Batman and the Bat-Family’s various comics.
Batman: Pennyworth RIP #1 is available now everywhere comic books are sold and online.
Batman: Pennyworth RIP #1
Overall, Batman: Pennyworth RIP #1 is a must-read for Batman fans and also is a great way to catch up on the most recent events without Batman and the Bat-Family’s various comics.