“True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.”
-Martin Luthor King Jr.
Far Sector #3 is published by DC Comics, written by N.K. Jemisin, with art and colors by Jamal Campbell and letters by Deron Bennett. Green  Mullein concludes an interesting conversation with Councilor Marth before getting summoned to help control a protest that is in danger erupting into violence. With one crowd enraged by the enforcement of the Emotion Exploit, and the other incapable of any emotion, let alone sympathy, Mullein has her hands full trying to maintain the peace. Though by the end of the issue, she might just wonder if anyone else wants peace but her.
Far Sector #3 opens with the wrap up of the last issue’s revealing conversation between Lantern Mullein and Councilor Marth. This moment further reveals hidden truths about the City Enduring and the lies that have held it up. Throughout this scene, there is tension in the air. Even with the relaxed demeanor of the Councilor, there is an underlying current to the scene that kept me gripped. Like two languages where being spoken. While I could understand the one, the other could only be sensed. Jemisin’s s writing is perfect here. Couple that with Campbell’s stellar use of color, and there is an immense amount of weight layered into every panel of the scene.
Far Sector #3 follows this moment up with an all too brief respite for our resident Lantern. When crowds take to the street in protest of what they feel are injustices the City Enduring becomes a powder keg waiting to erupt. A counter-march occurs and with security forces feeling pressured to resolve the situation only Mullein stands between the various parties and all-out chaos.
As much as I loved the opening sequence of Far Sector #3 it is the back half of the book that truly triumphs. With each panel and page, I saw the ending coming and it gripped me so hard. Mullein’s struggle to diffuse the situation is handled perfectly. The individuals representing the various groups feel completely real.  And how it ends is handled with the greatest of skill from the entire creative team.
While I cannot praise the writing and art of Far Sector #3 enough I also would be remiss if I didn’t give a nod to the lettering here. Bennet does an excellent job of font usage, combined with different styles of text boxes, to give the different characters their own unique tones. It is easy for lettering to fall into the extremes of bland and safe, or style over readability, that when that middle ground is hit just right, you have to acknowledge it.
With Far Sector #3 ending on a moment, that promises the next issue will be a must-read for fans I cannot wait for that issue to drop. I had thoroughly enjoyed this budding series through the first two issues. Now, however, issue four will definitely be one of my most anticipated drops of next month.
Far Sector #3Â is available January 22nd wherever comics are sold.
Far Sector #3
This issue continues to build an amazing story.