I made this mistake of starting this issue and then taking a walk in the trail behind my house. I can’t decide if that decision makes me like the book more or will just leave me with nightmares. Nonetheless, Wytches: Bad Egg is a spooky ride.
Previously, I have raved about the Image Comic series Wytches created by writer Scott Snyder, also known for writing Batman and Dark Knight Metal, and artist Jock, with coloring by Matt Hollingsworth, and letters by Clem Robins. The original creative team returned to the series with a new installment, Wytches: Bad Egg. Within the forward written by writer and creator Scott Snyder, he apologizes for staying away too long and promises fans this new comic acts as a prequel to the original Wytches mini-series, volume one, and also introduces audiences to Sebastian who will play a prominent role in the upcoming continuation of the series in volume two.
The story opens with Sebastian, the son of Clara, the fierce wytch hunter from the Irons. Sebastian is almost kidnapped and fed to a mysterious creature, the Wytches, but saved by his mother. It is there he realizes, “she wasn’t exactly standard issue after all.” Later we learn Sebastian’s best friend Jackson is part of a family of “High Horn” Wytches and Sebastian’s mom is expecting Sebastian to kill Jackson’s family and him if necessary. The book follows the two boys as they navigate their friendship and an ancient feud with these terrifying creatures.
This book is a great introduction in the Wytches series and its lore. The story is like a much gorier and darker take on the friendship seen in Fox and the Hound. I have been a fan of Snyder’s writing for a long time and Wytches is one of the main reasons. Knowing he still loves and cares so deeply about this story and its fans is very touching. His work here is fantastic. In addition to the eerie nature of the book, Synder is able to capture the two boys adolescent innocence and genuine concern for each other.
Jock’s art has always been a favorite of mine. Added to Hollingsworth’s unique coloring makes this book an absolute delight to look at even during the comic’s gorier moments. The pages have distinct blotches that appear to be dry water droplets or blood scattered throughout the page. The effect raises the art to another level and effectively blurs certain moments adding to the mystery of the story.
As a Wytches fan, I am so excited to be back in this world and this is a fantastic start to whatever the creative team as in store. Snyder’s letter to fans at the start and finish of the story shows his and the entire team’s passion for this story. That passion shows in the product. If you are a fan horror or Scott Snyder’s previous work I highly recommend picking up this book. Wytches hits comic book stores.
The collection of the IMAGE+ magazine run is available in comic book stores.
Wytches: Bad Egg
As a Wytches fan, I am so excited to be back in this world and this is a fantastic start to whatever the creative team as in store. If you are a fan horror or Scott Snyder’s previous work I highly recommend picking up this book. Wytches hits comic book stores.