I Love My Dad is willing to embrace its insane premise to a certain point, but it’s torn between being a black comedy and a drama.
Having premiered at SXSW 2022, The Unknown Country explores of identity and connection through grief in a heavy way.
SXSW 2022’s horror-comedy Slash/Back is about Indigenous identity as much as it’s about the creatures the leads are fighting.
Once something is on social media, it takes on a life of its own. That’s what happens in horror-comedy, The Prank.
HBO and Sam Jones’ Tony Hawk Until the Wheels Fall Off brings a perfect vulnerability to a legendary sports figure.
Radical Honesty tackles the ups and downs of modern relationships in a brisk seven minutes, providing laughs and introspection along the way.
Crows Are White is a profound exploration of the nature of faith, especially how it can have an impact on one’s life for good or ill.
Produced by Peach Maria Productions, SXSW Gaming 2022 was all virtual with a Livestream Ceremony awarding 12 games.