Bill Condon’s film is intimate while being a spectacle…Still, I dare anyone to enter Kiss of the Spider Woman and walk out the same.
Justin Lin’s Last Days (2025) will undoubtedly find its audience, but it relies on how you view missionary work.
The Wedding Banquet (2025) enters the Asian American and queer cinema canon with pride, heart, and a message that we desperately need.
Dave Franco and Alison Brie’s Together (2025) is disgustingly funny, genuinely ugly, and just a good time at the movies.
Train Dreams (2025) is a gorgeous story of love and loss and, ultimately, just about life with Joel Edgerton as it’s intimate center.
 Rabbit Trap (2025) is a folk horror story that deals more with discomfort than with scares and loses itself in style over substance.
Beauty is brutal in Shudder’s The Ugly Stepsister, and Emilie Blichfeldt understands exactly how to capture that viscerally.
Twinless (2025)Â is a tender film, a comedy, a love story, a friendship story, and it’s one you won’t stop thinking about.
Jason Schwarzman plays a cantor who’s lost his voice and has to learn to love himself again in Between the Temples
The way Dìdi places you firmly in 2008 is uncanny, but the way it tells that history just slightly differently than how it probably was is perfect.
Bill Condon’s film is intimate while being a spectacle…Still, I dare anyone to enter Kiss of the Spider Woman and walk out the same.