Kneecap is a chronicle of a particular group and a rallying cry all in one bringing Ireland and its language to the front of film.
Kidnapping Inc. is the type of off-color humor, action movie that works perfectly for a Midnight film at a festival.
In The Summers is a painfully perfect film about the anguish loving your family can cause and the way our memories change as we age.
Love Me (2024) is interesting, to say the least. A buoy and a satellite fall in love and find sentience and belonging along the way.
Steven Soderbergh employs visual experimentation for a one-of-a-kind ghost story whose stars shape into a winner.
The American Society For Magical Negroes is a hollow representation of its subject instead of a satirical skewering of a dangerous trope.
Love Lies Bleeding is a visceral love story that allows Kristen Stewart and Katy O’Brian to be hammers of retribution shaped by romance.
When In A Violent Nature is firing, it does so on all cylinders and that almost makes up for its staggered pacing.
An unassuming film, A Real Pain will stay with those who carry their family’s trauma buried underneath their own weeping.
Krazy House is Steffen Haars and Flip Van der Kuil’s English-language debut and it does a lot, with Nick Frost rising to the occasion.