Powerhouse Animation
The stage is set for Castlevania: Nocturne to expand on the foundation built with the original Castlevania series just with episode 1.
Skull Island is bringing Kong to a new generation and we sat down with Legendary’s Jacob Robinson to discuss the production.
Skull Island is a fantastic entry into the Monsterverse canon and a welcoming entry point for a new generation.
I can’t help but believe Powerhouse Animation would be perfect to adapt the Old Guard to animation. Here are 5 reasons why.
Masters of the Universe: Revelation-Part 2 features an upheaval of the He-Man mythos along with some of Powerhouse Animation’s best work.
Powerhouse and showrunner Kevin Smith are tackling the He-Man franchise with Masters of the Universe: Revelation. And damn do they deliver.
Masters of the Universe: Revelation boasts stunning animation, an all-star voice cast, and will appeal to He-Man fans old and new.
Castlevania season four is out and Did You Have To? is back to review the Western anime produced by one of their favorite studio Powerhouse Animation.
Castlevania sex scenes are narrative elements that come into play for character arcs instead as only fanservice unlike other adult animation.