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About But Why Tho?

Founded in 2018, But Why Tho? is an independent media outlet focused on reviews, interviews, previews, and news about the latest in entertainment. We support video games, film, television, anime, and comics coverage. A Latina-owned outlet, our site is dedicated to creating equity in the pop culture criticism space.

We regularly attend film festivals, video game media events, and conventions as accredited press and pride ourselves on our ability always to put thoughtful and honest criticism first, aiming to highlight the importance of viewing media through an intersectional lens.

Founded in 2018, But Why Tho? is an independent media outlet focused on reviews, interviews, previews, and news about the latest in entertainment. We support video games, film, television, anime, and comics coverage. A Latina-owned outlet, our site is dedicated to creating equity in the pop culture criticism space.

We regularly attend film festivals, video game media events, and conventions as accredited press and pride ourselves on our ability to always put thoughtful and honest criticism first, aiming to highlight the importance of viewing media through an intersectional lens.


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