DC Comics
Teen Titans Academy #7Â is a fantastic issue in this fantastic series that makes its welcome return after two months of waiting.
Dark Knights of Steel #1Â is the perfect mix of swords, sorcery, and superheroism, as Tom Taylor and Yasmine Putri forge a new DC Universe.
Task Force Z #1 brings zombies back to the DC Universe. This time, though, they aren’t on another Earth. And they are led by Red Hood.
In Robin #7, the pieces come together just as the walls…or fists come tumbling down. This is a great issue I want to talk about and one you need to get!
Harley Quinn #8 is part of the Fear State event. Harley is reunited with her girlfriend, or at least part of her, whilst Gotham has a new hero.
In Deathstroke Inc. #2, T.R.U.S.T. sends our team to space to stop Cyborg Superman from spreading his consciousness across the Multiverse.
Aquaman: The Becoming #2 sends its hero on the run from Atlantis while bringing themes of persecution and prejudice to the forefront.
Aquaman/Green Arrow – Deep Target #1 is a new team-up, bringing the King of Atlantis and the Emerald Archer together to protect the timeline.
DC Vs Vampires #1 is the latest horror-infused series from DC Comics, taking some bloody twists and turns while setting up its premise.
Refrigerator Full of Heads #1 is a new comic published through DC’s Hill House imprint. A grisly horror comic that leans on its violence.