Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #2 is the next issue of the team-up. As Superman suffers from Red Kryptonite poisoning, surgery is the only option.
Author: William Tucker
Nexus of Nightmares #1 is a one-shot depicting Doctor Strange, Baron Mordo, and Nightmare. But where it fits in the timeline is anyone’s guess.
Legend of the Sea Devils is the Easter Special episode of Doctor Who. With pirates, Sea Devils and romance, there is a lot to love
The Wrong Earth: Fame or Fortune #1 is the next story set within the Wrong Earth universe, where two worlds exist right next to each other.
Elektra #100 is an anthology celebrating 100 issues headlining the scarlet-clad assassin, showing many aspects of her personality.
Doctor Who has featured many companions and many of them have attached themselves to our hearts. But Wilfred Mott may just be the best.
Devil’s Reign #6 is not only the culmination of a great event, but it is also the finale of this era of Zdarksy’s Daredevil.
The Rocketeer: Great Race #1 is both a homage celebrating 40 years of the character and a brand new story with a different take.