Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 sends the tiny but ferocious hero to Dubai in search for a young mutant, helping those that no one else is looking for.
Author: William Tucker
Two-Face #1 (2024) toys with the two personalities as Harvey Dent holds a court in the heart of Gotham’s Underworld, trying to take control.
X-Men #8 starts the “Raid on Graymalkin” crossover, blending the book with Uncanny X-Men as both teams seek break their members out of prison.
All-New Venom #1 puts a new host inside the Symbiote suit and changes its look, leading to questions of who is inside and what they want.
Absolute Superman #2 unleashes more than chaos, handcuffing two characters together that reinigites an iconic love story.
West Coast Avengers #1 reinvents the Californian team with a new lineup and a sense of humor that delights in silliness.
Green Arrow #18 sees a new creative team fill their quiver, shrinking down the cast to focus on Oliver Queen as he protects Star City.
Uncanny X-Men #6 reveals how many of the team are broken as this new family tries to rebuild and form a sense of normality