Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #1 is part of the Knight Terrors event. Harley’s nightmare includes pirates, vampires, and the Anti-Monitor.
Author: William Tucker
The Dragon Prince Season 5 returns to a world of dragons, pirates and anything else it wants to throw, featuring a race to save the world.
Guardians of the Galaxy #4 shows the painful emptiness that can come from losing a friend, as Rocket returns to the book.
Alien #4 keeps ramping up the horror. As Xenomorphs swarm the isolated based, a family is ripped apart as truths are revealed.
Blade #1 gives the vampire a person that is in need of protection, as a threat enters the comic that could change the world of monsters.
Knight Terrors: Catwoman #1 is part of the Knight Terrors event. Catwoman’s nightmare includes nuns, tommy guns and missing eyes
Knight Terrors: Superman #1 is part of the Knight Terrors event. Superman’s nightmare includes scythes, bullets and tidal waves.
Hawkgirl #1 is the start of a comic that allows Hawkgirl to work on her own while also being able to call other heroes for help.