Spider-Man Annual 2023 #1 is the start of the Contest of Chaos crossover across the annuals. But it will need more chaos to succeed.
Author: William Tucker
Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Alpha #1 is the start of a new crossover, as a child with a demon brings the two together.
Avengers #4 is multiple stories all at the same time, whilst being part of the same, gigantic battle against beings who like to destroy cities
Knight Terrors: Robin #2 is part of the Knight terrors event. Tim and Jason’s nightmares contain an endless void and Joker teeth.
Knight Terrors: Shazam #2 is part of the Knight Terrors event. the Marvel Family’s nightmares include pirates and school bullies.
Knight Terrors: Zatanna #2 is an awesome part of the Knight Terrors event. Zatanna’s nightmare includes top hats and mazes.
Knight Terrors: The Flash #2 is part of the Knight Terrors event. The Flash’s nightmare includes running, friction, and a monster.
Knight Terrors #3 enters the endgame of the event. A new character joins Deadman and Sandman in their quest for the Nightmare Stone.