Batman: City of Madness #1 is a Black Label graphic novel from the magnificent mind of Christian Ward, creating a whole new Gotham.
Author: William Tucker
Beckham is a docu-series that looks at the Golden Boy and the passage of generations after him, made powerful by the voices it shows.
Alien Annual 2023 #1 is a silent comic that experiments with removing all humans from a monster story, with the Xenomorphs causing more carnage.
G.O.D.S. #1 is one of the most high-concept superhero comics in existence, changing everything about the cosmic order of the Marvel Universe.
The Devil That Wears My Face #1 is a fresh take on the exorcism story, flipping the classic character tropes upside down.
Birds of Prey #2 establishes connections within this brand new Birds of Prey lineup with an extremely dangerous first mission.
Blue Beetle #2 sees the Scarabs reel from a brutal attack, and the figure responsible isn’t finished with dealing out punishment.
Shazam #4 pits The Captain in the middle of two warring races, but the manipulation from the gods will make it difficult to save the day.