Miles Morales: Spider-Man #15 is part of the Gang War event. More backup arrives to help Miles fight both his uncle and the Hobgoblin.
Author: William Tucker
Daredevil: Gang War #2 gives more exposure to a mysterious newcomer that is close to besting Elektra within this tie-in.
Ultimate Spider-Man #1 starts the ongoings within the new Ultimate Universe with a city that is recovering from a horrendous attack.
Avengers #9 unleashes a full battle between both teams, pitting the Avengers and the Twilight Court against one another at their most powerful.
Titans: Beast War #4 increases the gravitas of the event with a cataclysmic battle that will lead to both scars and consequences.
Outsiders #3 continues to investigate new ways of telling superhero stories, featuring a pocket dimension full of Batmen and Batwomen.
Amazing Spider-Man #41 is the next part of Gang War. Kingpin returns to New York as he and Tombstone seek to protect both of their children.
Captains of the World is the official story of the 2022 World Cup, but it happens to skip a few pages to cram it all into six episodes.