The Devil That Wears My Face #5 hurtles towards its conclusion, placing both of the main characters in positions of power before the finale.
Author: William Tucker
Avengers #11 is something of a cooldown issue, but it is also building the start of the next arc, injecting the old into the new.
Ultimae X-Men #1 is a unique approach to a new series. Peach Momoko deivers a masterpiece whilst only using one character.
Spectacular Spider-Men #1 brings two spider-men together, highlighting both the characters’ friendship and injecting much-needed fun.
Blue Beetle #7 steps outside the current adventure to deliver a tribute to Keith Giffen by visiting many of his iconic characters.
Kneel Before Zod #3 pits General Zod and Ursa against an entire fleet of alien invaders, which is surely no contest for the Kryptonians.
Code 8: Part II is a continuation from the crowdfunded first movie. But the superhero sequel never does takes the franchise to another level.
Punisher #4 ends the miniseries far too early, but it finishes with the same amount of violence and intensity as it started with.