Black Widow & Hawkeye #2 slows down due to disagreements and discontent, which places both the archer and spy in danger.
Author: William Tucker
Spectacular Spider-Men #2 expands on the clone concept, creating confusion for not just Peter and Miles, but the regular people around them.
Wonder Woman #8 features a tormented and degraded Wonder Woman, finally facing the Sovereign whilst the rest of her team try to rescue her.
Titans #10 continues to stoke the fires of war between the superheroes and Hell, as Raven manipulates both teams for her own power.
Ultimate X-Men #2 is both achingly pretty and horrifyingly scary, as young Hisako makes a new friend who wants to help fight the Shadow.
Green Lantern #10 brings other Green Lanterns into the series as the rebellion begins from within the homeworld of the Green Lantern Corps.
Outsiders #6 has parts that are close to incomprehensible. Yet it has a fascinating story with adventure and characters that gives it personality.
Avengers #12 unleashes the Avengers on Orchis as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes takes on the organisation that is crippling the X-Men.