Who Killed Sarah Shaw is a Kickstarter graphic novel that explores the scars of a small town as a 40-year old murder is investigated.
Author: William Tucker
Ultimate Wolverine Issue 1 unleashes a dangerous new weapon into the Ultimate universe, combining Wolverine and the Winter Soldier.
Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum Issue 1 relights the Green Lantern Corps and returns to Oa, where they are free to protect the universe again.
Rogue: The Savage Land Issue 1 is a secret adventure for the power-sapping mutant, trapping her in a new land with dinosaurs and monsters.
Laura Kinney: Wolverine Issue 2 brings Laura Kinney and Elektra Natchios together, hunting down a dangerous mutant that threatens New York.
Titans Issue 19 is a frosty issue, with divisons forming between the Justice League and Titans, and within the Titans themselves.
Uncanny X-Men Issue 8 concludes the “Raid on Graymalkin” crossover, but the two teams may be beyond any reconcilliation.
Daredevil: Unleash Hell – Red Band Issue 1 is a brutal and biblical approach to violence, turning the gore into an art form.