Avengers #18 sees the team try and stop the world’s most powerful superhero from hitting the Earth, resorting to drastic solutions.
Author: William Tucker
Wonder Woman #13 sees Diana and Damian Wayne break into the superhero prison, reuniting Wonder Woman with Steve Trevor and the other captives.
Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6 is the penultimate issue of the series. The sanctuary of Themyscira is the next target.
Uncanny X-Men #2 introduces a selection of new mutants, but they have found a team that aren’t quite sure if they even are X-Men anymore.
Green Lantern #15 is part of the Absolute Power event. The Lanterns continue to be an integral part of the crossover.
Wolverine #1 (2024) returns to the wilderness, but Wolverine will not be able to stay there for long when friends and foes come looking.
Avengers Assemble #1 (2024) features a gigantic ensemble cast, including Avengers across generations and some newcomers as well.
Exceptional X-Men (2024) #1 sees Kate Pryde return to a normal life, dealing with her demons while mutants are hated and feared once again.