In/Spectre Episode 13 is an appetizer for a wild ride of romance, mystery, and the supernatural after a nearly 3-year wait.
Author: Adrian Ruiz
There is no shortage of new Star Wars in 2023 so we compiled a list of all the great stories you can expect from a galaxy far, far away.
Clone Force 99 attempts “one last job” as they aim to steal from Count Dooku’s war chest on Serenno in The Bad Batch Season 2 Premiere
The Battle of Jedha brings the conflict between Eiram and E’ronoh to the Holy City as the Jedi and Republic try to maintain peace between the planets.
Looking for something to get your blood pumping this holiday? look no further than this list of Christmas action movies that aren’t Die Hard.
Fans meet Ichigo’s parents in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 11. Twists and turns lead to explanations and speculations.
It is time for the conclusion of the battle between Kenpachi Zaraki and Retsu Unohana in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 10.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 9 begins the training arc for more than just Ichigo as many Soul Reapers prepare for another battle with the Quncies