‘NiNoKuni’ is an animated movie based on the game series of the same name that follows two friends that are transported to a fantasy world.
Author: Lizzy Garcia
‘Batman #86’ is the start of a new story arc that sees Bruce Wayne trying to redevelop Gotham’s infrastructure as Batman takes on Deathstroke.
‘VICE Investigates’ returns with its fifth episode of the season, “Disgrace,” which tackles the messy conversation around the #MeToo movement.
DC Comics offered an exclusive preview of the upcoming ‘House of Whispers #17’ where young Poquita has fled her abusive foster family.
‘The Infected: The Commissioner #1′ is part of DC Comics’ “Year of the Villain” event and finds The Batman Who Laughs infecting Commissioner Gordon.
‘Harleen #3’ continues showing Dr. Harleen Quinzel’s descent into madness as she falls deeper and deeper in love with the Joker during their sessions.
‘Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3’ follows Batman’s return to Gotham as he finds the city broken and remade as Omega reigns supreme.
‘Joker: Killer Smile #2’ continues Dr. Ben Arnell’s descent into madness as the Joker’s effect on his tears his family and his psyche apart.