While captivating early on as it sets the stage, Enotria: The Last Song proves to be too ambitious in standing out as a Soulslike over time.
Author: Katherine Kong
SCHiM misses the jump at times with consistency. Levels and progression feel imbalanced as they scale from overly simple execution to lengthy and more complex environmental puzzles.
INDIKA grounds intrigue with its arthouse cinematic flair and satire while engaging curiosity and entertainment.
Blood Free shows promise as it begins to thread the perspectives held within our food supply chain coupled with action and suspense.
By understanding the use of our energy and time ‘Spirit City: Lofi Sessions’ reminds us we’re one step forward from where we were yesterday.
Buckshot Roulette is an adrenaline-fueled gameplay that is surprisingly short but manages to maintain its twisted, macabre thrill round and round again
Alone In The Dark properly writes its love letter to its 1992 original while creating appeal to a wider audience through cinematic aspects.
‘EvilVEvil’ may best appeal to players seeking cooperative gameplay prioritizing a laid-back experience, but does it work?