From Toei Productions, Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 14, “Taboo,” sees Goku (Masako Nozawa) and the gang roadblocked by Warp-Sama’s deactivation. Despite this seemingly insurmountable obstacle, Gomah (Shôtarô Morikubo) and Degesu (Jun’ya Enoki) continue preparing in case the heroes can find a way to the First Demon World.
This episode opens with the heroes heading towards Warp-Sama. With the airship fixed, they see no obstacles between them and their next goal. While things are quiet, Panzy (Ai Fairouz, Mishoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation) makes a call back to her home to update her father on their progress. She learns that the king has set out to steal an airship so he can make his way to the First Demon World as well. There’s no hint as to how this will play into the unfolding, but it seems unlikely the detail wouldn’t be brought up if nothing is to become of it.
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 14 treads a lot of familiar territory
From here, Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 14 jumps to Gomah and Degesu as they put the final touches on their defensive plans. These last preparations include calling in the elite Gendarmerie unit. The unit gives Gomah an elaborate greeting after he catches them stuffing their faces with snacks.
This elite squad comprises the usual assemblage of weirdos these sort of groups always have in the Dragon Ball franchise. Bizarre poses, low IQs, and an inherent obliviousness to the severity of the previous two characteristics. Their overconfidence is also driven home by their refusal to accept that there could be opponents as strong as Goku, despite Degesu’s repeated statements that there are.
While this series has freely retreated into familiar territory in the past, it has always come with enough nostalgia and effect to make it something fun. This moment fails to achieve that. This latest version of the Ginyu Force feels like a stale joke that has long since overstayed its welcome. Hopefully, they will be wiped from the board quickly when the battles start, so they don’t damage too many of the coming episodes.
Once the unpleasantries are done, the action returns to the heroes as they arrive at Warp-Sama, only to discover that he has been disabled. With no way through, Goku checks out the barrier blocking the old passage to the First Demon World, only to get a heavy electric shock that renders him unconscious. It speaks volumes to how serious the output on that barrier is.
There is one surprise in Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 14, though
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 14 then delivers a surprise. Neva (Hiroshi Naka, Delicious in Dungeon) reveals he can dismiss the barriers. In a wonderfully handled sequence that builds the atmosphere of the moment extraordinarily well, we see Neva gather energy into his palm and, with a hollowed chant, release it, causing the barriers between the Demon Worlds to vanish.
This moment is a spectacle of a different kind rarely seen in the franchise. Usually, strength is shown through destructive blasts and screaming transformations. Here, Neva’s moment is crafted with a sense of reverent awe. The music helps elevate this feeling as the other members of the group, particularly Piccolo, look on in wonder.
Once this moment passes, Neva reveals more of the history of the Demon Realm and his part in it. We get more details about why the Namekians departed and Neva’s motivations for creating the barriers. This moment is brief enough not to hinder the story while delivering interesting information that helps the story.
With the way clear, the group once more sets out only to discover their ship won’t be able to survive the passage to the First Demon World. However, it will get them close enough so the group can fly themselves the rest of the way. Since Bulma (Mai Nakahara, Birdie Wing: Golf Girl’s Story) is the only group member incapable of flying, the problem is of little consequence since Vegeta can easily escort his wife to the surface.
Unfortunately, the change in air pressure caused by the opening passages, and the flaming wreckage of their damaged ship don’t go unnoticed. With the defenses warned, Gomah’s troops begin opening fire on the heroes, forcing them to take evasive action to avoid the wall of fire.
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 14 ends with our heroes not yet dirtside. With enemy fire all around them, this moment ends the episode on a high note, building excitement for the action to come.
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 14 is streaming now on Crunchyroll and will arrive on Netflix January 24th.
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 14 — "Taboo"
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 14 ends with our heroes not yet dirtside. With enemy fire all around them, this moment ends the episode on a high note, building excitement for the action to come.