Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 8, “Tamagami,” brings the battle for the Third Demon World’s Dragon Ball to life as Goku (Masako Nozawa) clashes with the first of the Tamagami. But there is more to the battle than a simple fight. Meanwhile, moves are being made behind the scenes that could spell a far greater threat to our heroes.
This episode wastes no time getting into the fight that provides the star attraction for its story. The towering Tamagami, with its massive hammer, would be an intimidating figure in most circumstances. But this is Goku we are talking about, and the viewer cannot help but suspect that the guardian of the Three Star Dragon Ball doesn’t know what he’s in for.
The fight between Guardian and Saiyan is a fun and fast sequence that delivers some stellar moments of animation. As the battle rages, Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 8 pulls out some unexpected tricks to keep the fight interesting. The Tamagami’s ability to summon his hammer back after throws provides a surprise, even if it’s not the newest way to wield such a weapon. Goku must showcase his speed and agility as much as his raw strength as he adapts to each new trick his opponent pulls out.
As is often the case with these fights, we see Goku allow his opponent to set the pace of the battle. He goes Super Saiyan only when forced and doesn’t use energy projectiles until his foe reveals that he is capable of the same. However, once the energy attacks start, Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 8 breaks out the biggest spectacle of the episode.
As the battle reaches its apex, Goku begins to perform his trademark Kamehameha technique. Much like with Goku’s first transformation of the series, this moment goes hard as the warrior slowly goes through the familiar motions. Goku is elevated high into the sky as the gathering energy baths everything around him in a dazzling blue. As he rockets upwards, his foe prepares a counterattack. As his energy charges, his shots are filled with a contrasting red color, creating a clash of colors that is both striking and reminiscent of the first clash between the Kamehameha Wave and the Galic Gun in Dragon Ball Z‘s Saiyan Saga.
Having barely survived Goku’s assault, the Tamagami concedes the fight but reveals there is one more test Goku must pass before he can claim the Dragon Ball. The sought-after ball is hidden beneath one of five cups and mixed up with the others at lightning speed. After the Tamagami’s hands cease to be a blur of motion, Goku is asked which cup holds the treasure. Given the speed of some of the opponents Goku has fought, it is unsurprising that he can answer easily, even when the likes of the onlooking Supreme Kai (Yumiko Kobayashi) cannot.
As the group and a crowd of locales head into town to celebrate Goku’s victory, Glorio (Kôki Uchiyama) receives a call from his benefactor, Doctor Arinsu (Yôko Hisaka, Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions). After a brief update, Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 8 uses the doctor’s introduction in the episode to lead into a series of reveals about the mysterious Gild’s past and current actions.
We learn that Arinsu was present during Vegeta’s battle with Majin Buu when the Saiyan blew himself up. It seems she captured one of the miniature Buus before it could rejoin the rest of the Majin’s mass. Jumping back to the present, we learn some new information about Buu’s origins as we see Arinsu seemingly trying to create a new Buu, one that will be more subservient than the original.
The potential of a new Buu being brought to life is both fascinating and worrying. On the one hand, Goku and Vegeta’s depowered child forms will be hard-pressed to fight a fully powered Majin Buu. Even in their adult forms, it took the aid of every living creature on Earth to end Kid Buu’s threat. How our heroes would contend with such a threat on strange ground when such aid may not be forthcoming is an interesting question.
However, if Arinsu simply recreates Buu, it will be a familiar threat for the Z Fighters to contend with. If a new Buu is going to be a major threat to our heroes, hopefully, this new incarnation will come with some new tricks to avoid a repetitive appearance.
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 8 delivers excellently implemented action and combines it with hints of things to come. With the first big battle coming through brilliantly, it looks like the action the franchise is known for is back in a style that allows it to feel entrenched in its roots while still keeping up with modern expectations.
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 8 is streaming now on Crunchyroll and will arrive on Netflix next week.
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 8 — “Tamagami"
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 8 delivers excellently implemented action and combines it with hints of things to come.