Earlier this year, on Pokémon Day, Netflix and The Pokémon Company announced their first collaborative series, Pokémon Concierge. The new story expands the Pokemon world as it follows Haru, a concierge at the “Pokemon Resort.” The new show will center on Haru and her interactions with Pokémon and their owners, who visit as guests at the resort. In addition to being a recent story in the Pokémon franchise, Pokémon Concierge’sI The show is animated with beautiful stop-motion animation. At Anime Expo 2023, Netflix revealed more details about their new original anime. One of those details is the announcement that Rena Nōnen, also known professionally as NON, is the voice of Haru, the protagonist of Pokemon Concierge. Nōnen is a Japanese actress, fashion model, and singer known for her lead roles on the NHK drama series Amachan.
The Pokémon franchise is going a slightly different route with the series compared to previous iterations. Most notably, the animation is vastly different from previous works. Pokémon Concierge is the very first stop-motion project in the franchise. Initially, not much was known about the series yet, aside from the teaser trailer. Now we know the series takes place at a Pokémon resort and revolves around the adventures of a concierge and the various Pokémon who visit the resort as guests.
During the Anime Expo 2023 press junket, NON shared details about the new series, her character, and what fans may hope to expect from the new series. NON shared how the unique animation style is a heartwarming and charming experience for fans. She described Haru’snew series portrays Haru’s challenges and success as a hardworking girl who helps Pokémon and their trainers that visit the resort.
When we asked what attracted her to the role of Haru, NON shared how she admired Haru’s work ethic. “Harau wanted to be the best she can be. Even when things are not doing well, and of course she is disappointed, but she was able to overcome that failure thanks to the Pokémon that help her. So it is really endearing to me that I can witness how Haru overcome and grow due to her connection with these Pokémon”.
When describing her work on the series, NON commented on how being a part of the stop-motion process added to her performance. To capture accurate facial expressions for Haru, the creative team would refer to recordings of her making various faces and emotions. So instead of just using her voice acting abilities for this role, NON put her emotions and physicality into this role as well.
As far as what audiences can expect from Pokémon Concierge, NON could not give too many details but did speak on how she hopes fans react to the series. “So I’m sure you all know we are bombarded and under pressure. However, we get up and keep doing what we’ve been doing. We want to give up, but when you see Pokémon Concierge, it’s fulfilling, gives you energy, and makes you want to try again. And be the best you can be. So I wish fans see Pokémon Concierge and be energetic. That it will make them keep going and do the best that they can be.”
Pokémon Concierge premieres exclusively on Netflix later this year.