Green Lantern #1 is the start of a new series published by DC Comics, written by Jeremy Adams, art by Xermánico, colors by Fomulo Fajardo Jr, and letters by Dave Sharpe. There is a backup story written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, art by Montos, colors by Adriano Lucas, and letters by Sharpe. quit the Green Lantern Corps in anger and is now back on Earth. That means finding a job and trying to settle down.
This Dawn of DC streamlines the mythos of the Green Lantern Corps for the new series. The first story has a singular Lantern, although the others aren’t forgotten. But it is a very grounded concept from the beginning, with Hal returning to Coast City and Carol Ferris. It’s not quite an origin story, but it is reminiscent of the early days. The pacing is slow, allowing the book to settle and show the discontent in the book. Being on Earth has not dampened the spirit nor the excitement of Green Lantern #1. Alongside the social aspects and some of the motifs of Green Lantern books coming back, many of the aspects from space have made their way to Earth as well. It shows that Hal will be just as busy on-world as he was off it.
This version of Hal that Adams is using for his run is harking back to an old self. That cockiness and arrogance that Hal used to have in previous comics are back, reminding me of what he was like on his own. In space, as a figurehead of the Green Lantern Corps, He had assumed a much more stoic leadership role. But he is free of that and he’s a jovial character again. There is a lot of Guy’s personality in him, although Gardner is usually angrier. It should be said however that the dialogue, settings, and characters used in this book are eerily similar to what is utilised in the Green Lantern movie, and that is something that should always be avoided. It is nice towards the end of the book to see that the other Lanterns are included and their lives are still going to be represented in this issue, not just Hal.
The art is fantastic. Xermánico has a gorgeous style that is bursting with details and character. The sequential art in Green Lantern #1 is so brilliant at storytelling that the dialogue would not be required for someone to fully understand what was happening. Hal’s attitude is discernible by his smirks and swagger alone. Some of the pieces of technology and the usage of powers looks awesome too. There is a real sense of speed coming through the flight sequences, able to go for a Top Gun feel within a comic book.
The colours are simply stunning. The aforementioned flight sequence is magnificent, with the blending of brush strokes and shades along the cliff faces around the planes, paired with the tones of the aircraft themselves. Straight after that there is this vibrant, intense red that fills the panel, signifying the end of the segment. It’s an excellent example of the colors being part of the storytelling too. The lettering is great for the majority of the book, although the green and white caption boxes can sometimes be difficult to read.
The backup story is short but terrific, following Guy going to battle against a powerful enemy. Something of a cosmic horror story, there is a mysterious yet evocative art palette that pits green and purple against each other. It’s that good of a story that it could have easily been the main story and carried the book on its own merit.
Green Lantern #1 is a great way of starting again. It’s not a complete remake — the past matters and has had an effect, but someone new to the universe of Green Lantern is able to tuck in without being hindered by years of Corps regulations. Hal Jordan is hotheaded but likable; however, getting close to the plot of the movie can cause shuddering flashbacks. The book does an excellent job of showing that it is more about the people wearing the rings, with not massive amounts of actions of construct making an appearance.
Green Lantern #1 is available wherever comics are sold.
Green Lantern #1
Green Lantern #1 is a great way of starting again.