Spoiler Warning: This review contains spoilers for the first half of To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 6
With Kahaku proposing marriage to Fushi at the end of the last episode, To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 6 picks up right where that left off. But what will Fushi’s answer be? And will it even matter as far more significant concerns may soon overshadow it all?
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 6‘s opening continues the last episode’s evolution of Fushi’s powers. His response to Kahaku’s proposal is driven by a new wrinkle in his connection to those whose shape he can take. This previously unrevealed quirk in his powers drives Fushi’s decision-making where Kahaku’s proposal is concerned.
While I’d hate to give spoilers, I have to comment on Kahaku’s reaction to Fushi’s choice. When Fushi rejects Kahaku’s request, his instant reaction is, “I didn’t realize you hated me that much.” The more I watch anime, the more I find this to be many characters’ go-to reactions to rejection where love or marriage is concerned. That this seems to be the norm is bizarre. While I understand that rejection is harsh (I’ve been there more than a time or two myself), the fact that this sort of verbal lashing out feels par for the course at this point seems terrible. Yet, none of the other characters even bat an eye at it or call it an unfair statement. Just because someone doesn’t accept your out-of-the-blue marriage proposal doesn’t mean they hate you. Though yelling at them for giving their honest feelings certainly could get them there.
Once the opening sequence has passed, To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 6 sees Fushi and Bon head into a nearby town to rally further support from the locals. However, while Fushi is alone, he is approached by a member of the Church of Bennet, who warns him of Bon’s imminent danger and how only Fushi can keep him safe.
The unraveling plot that occupies the rest of this episode delivers on many fronts. How it plays out is pretty nuanced, despite the limited amount of time it uses, while providing some big emotional moments. The complex motivations of characters and where those complexities drive their loyalties to are utilized wonderfully to craft an engaging narrative that leaves the viewer needing to know what will happen next.
The visuals in this episode significantly augment the high points of its narrative. Drive does an excellent job bringing the episode’s most dramatic moment to life in a way that holds back none of their poignancy while keeping the show’s presentation in line with what has come before.
Despite a moderate stumble early on, To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 6 crafts a great episode that delivers a lot of emotional moments and peril. Where the show will go from here and how the ramifications of this episode’s events will impact Fushi’s journey are sure to keep fans eagerly awaiting next week’s story.
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 6 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 6, "Heretics Betrayal"
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 6 crafts a great episode that delivers a lot of emotional moments and peril. Where the show will go from here and how the ramifications of this episode’s events will impact Fushi’s journey are sure to keep fans eagerly awaiting next week’s story.