Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 is an event comic published by DC Comics, written by Joshua Williamson, art by Daniel Sampere, layouts by Sampere and Rafa Sandoval, colours by Alejandro Sanchez, and letters by Tom Napolitano. Pariah and his Dark Army threaten to overwhelm the heroes left on Earth whilst the Justice League tries to make their way home.
In a story that constantly seeks to elevate the levels of chaos, issue #6 takes it even further. It is a huge battle with the fate of the universe at stake. Those that have been waiting on the sidelines have leaped into the fight, with villains such as Darkseid now included. But there are also heroes that are drawn in as there are very few left.
Alongside this, there is a side plot that alleviates the intense magnitude of the rest of the comic, with the Justice League contemplating returning at all. It isn’t just mindless violence, huge events are taking place. Heroes are lost, and one, in particular, risks it all in a stunning act of sacrifice. That hope that had fizzled out earlier in the event returns as some fantastic reveals are made. There is a passing of the torch within the final part of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 as roles within the villains change. It is a surprise but it leads to the concluding issue with a dramatic last fight.
The characters in this book are what make it special. Whilst it is one of the most exciting issues I’ve read in a while, those that have been at the centre of the war have been a glorious heart. It might be unfair to refer to them as the young heroes, although they are included, it is more those that never get the chance to take the centre stage in an event. But figures such as Nightwing and Superman have proven that they have the personality to drive such a huge story.
It has been great seeing Black Adam be pivotal, and Changeling gets a moment of revenge. Perhaps Pariah has not been used to his full potential and still isn’t in this penultimate chapter, but it is what he does that is shocking. Young Superman has one of the most emotional moments of the series so far, but it shows his elevation into one of the most resounding heroes in the DC Universe. And the Justice League hasn’t gone away. Their own power as characters is just as palpable here. The dialogue in this issue is great, with Green Arrow’s speech about the possibility of failing being one of the special pieces.Â
The art continues to be simply jaw-dropping. From the opening pages of the battle, the non-stop drama features a seemingly infinite amount of characters involved. Villains have been collected from the beginning of the series, and the huge panels encapsulate the phenomenal amount of bodies included. One of my favourite aspects about the art in this event is the way in which characters swoop in, entering the comic with a power and sense of gravitas. Even when there are large-scale fights, Sampere and Sandoval take time with individual battles between two characters. The detail on every single figure in this comic is stunning, giving so much life and depth to the panels. The fighting is intense, especially in the last part of the issue, with each blow carrying weight and impact.
The colours are also superb. There is a brilliant balance between darkness and light, influenced more now by the struggle between good and evil. The black that covers the Dark Army is a cross between a bleak, complete shadow and a slightly lighter grey. Then there is the vibrancy from the heroes that threatens to be submerged. The colours and the tones change from panel to panel, which makes them either more fascinating to look at. The lettering is fantastic, with some terrific alterations in text size in the middle of word balloons that create dynamism.
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 is a powerhouse of a penultimate issue. It carries with it so much expectation and delivers wholeheartedly. The characters go through extraordinary pain, all of them proving themselves against the most impossible of odds. The coming together of heroes will always be an exciting moment, but Williamson has put them through hell to get them there. It has managed at all times to toe the line between intimate individual moments and universe-threatening battles. And it is captured by a sensational art team that has been utterly flawless throughout.
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6Â is available wherever comics are sold.
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 is a powerhouse of a penultimate issue. It carries with it so much expectation and delivers wholeheartedly.