Bocchi The Rock! is a slice-of-life anime produced by CloverWorks. With Hitori presenting her lyrics for the band’s new song in the last episode, they are one step closer to performing their next gig. But while Seika was willing to let them perform at her club before for her little sister’s sake, if they want to get on stage again, they have to pass an audition in Bocchi The Rock Episode 5.
This episode’s shining element to me is a subtle one. As Hiroti continues to instruct Kita and work at the club, she is slowly coming out of her shell, ever so slightly. While this isn’t always obvious in her interactions with those around her, it is starting to come through in her performances. Characters are noticing how much she has improved since her first time on stage, with some even beginning to suspect that she is far better than she seems, she’s just struggling with stage fright. This incremental growth is important for Hitori as slow, small baby steps are how these changes happen. And I love that the series has surrounded her with characters that will recognize and applaud these measured improvements.
Outside of Hitori’s character growth, Bocchi The Rock Episode 5 sees the band as a whole continue to push for their goals. While the revelation that Seika won’t just gift them stage time anymore is a hard hit to Nijika, it feels like Seika simply doesn’t want to let her sister’s band become complacent, believing they always have a venue that will host them. I like how this episode handles Seika. As the first real time the show has spent with her, we get to see her as a personality that wants to help her sister succeed, but will still be a little difficult with her because they’re sisters. This lets her play the part of a character who is there to support but is allowed to feel like a breathing being, not just a one-note tool to progress the story.
The other highlight for Bocchi The Rock Episode 5 is its delivery of the episode’s audition. Despite this series being largely about a rock band coming together, there has been little music within the story itself. This episode makes up for the lack of quantity with superlative quality. Hitori’s song is performed wonderfully while the camera shifts between band members, capturing the energy and hype of the moment. I found myself rocking to the beat, genuinely feeling happy about how far the girls had already come.
Beyond the visual highlight of the band’s performance, this episode brought all of the show’s charm to the forefront once again. Hitori continues to delight and seeing how her friends’ responses shift as they grow accustomed to her antics is a treat.
Bocchi The Rock Episode 5 brings another wonderful episode to this show’s run. Hitori remains who she is, while still being allowed to make progress with her struggles, and the episode’s musical presentation makes for the perfect highlight sequence to further drive home how far both Hitori and the band have come.
Bocchi The Rock! Episode 5 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Bocchi The Rock! Episode 5
Bocchi The Rock! Episode 5 brings another wonderful episode to this show’s run. Hitori remains who she is, while still being allowed to make progress with her struggles, and the episode’s musical presentation makes for the perfect highlight sequence to further drive home how far both Hitori and the band have come.