Spy x Family is an action/comedy shonen anime produced by WIT Studio and CloverWorks. With her acceptance to Eden College confirmed, Anya prepares to begin classes. But there are far more challenges ahead of her than just her studies. Luckily, she isn’t alone. And she has a unique mom who will make sure she can take care of herself in Spy x Family Episode 6.
This week’s episode opens with The Forgers taking another trip to the tailor’s shop to get Anya’s uniform for her first day of school. While at the tailor’s though, the family learns about some of the drawbacks to attending such a prestigious school. Classism and bullying are rampant, and kidnappings occur regularly. Needless to say, all this makes Anya a bit less enthusiastic about her first day of school. Anya’s superlative facial expressions are a scene-stealer as the tailor casually lists all the horrible stuff she may be about to endure.
Jumping ahead a few days, Spy x Family Episode 6 sees Anya’s uniform ready for pick up. But because Loid is called away on business, Yor and Anya go to the store without him. Anya’s glee over her new uniform sees her showing it off to everyone she comes across. This unfortunately draws some unwanted attention.
This sequence between Yor and Anya encapsulates everything that makes this series wonderful. While there is some great humor on display, there is also a couple of touching moments as Yor dedicates herself to trying to be the best mother she can be. And while her parenting skills are a bit wanting, I think she’s doing a great job.
With all the preparations complete, it is time for the new students to begin their academic careers at Eden College. The first challenge set before Anya is learning how to interact with her peers. While her actions are not productive where Loid’s mission is concerned, I think she handles herself rather elegantly. Her attempts to deal with the stuck-up snobbery and bullying of children are commendable and probably better than many of us would’ve dealt with such things in her place.
The animation in this episode does a great job of delivering the story’s many aspects. From the fun to the emotion, the animation never misses a beat as it delivers the newest step of The Forgers’ mission.
When all is said and done, Spy x Family Episode 6 delivers another highly entertaining entry into this series. Filled with humor, heart, and just a dash of action, this episode brings a bit of everything I’ve come to love about this cobbled-together family.
Spy x Family Episode 6 is streaming on Crunchyroll.
Spy x Family Episode 6, "The Friendship Scheme"
Spy x Family Episode 6 delivers another highly entertaining entry into this series. Filled with humor, heart, and just a dash of action, this episode brings a bit of everything I’ve come to love about this cobbled-together family.