Love After World Domination is a romantic comedy anime produced by Project No. 9. With Desumi and Fudo growing closer, things are looking pretty good for the young couple. Until Desumi gets some unexpected news from her boss. Now she has to figure out what it is she wants in life. Also, it’s the obligatory beach episode in Love After World Domination Episode 6.
With this entry, the series has finally hit perfect pacing with the split story format it has been constructing. Neither of these narratives is too long or short, and they even connect casually, so they flow together while not being hurt by the abrupt jump from one to the other at the commercial break. I love it when a formula comes together.
The opening half of Love After World Domination Episode 6 uses an unexpected promotion for Desumi as a duel vehicle that forces the character to make a big life decision, as well as expanding upon the reasons she is working for Gekko. The reason why her ensuing promotion poses such a quandary for her comes from the fact that to accept it, she must be transformed into an animal hybrid monster. This transformation would pose some serious problems for her. Not the least of which would be the increased difficulty of meeting up with Fudo in her new form.
The situation becomes further complicated for her when her family learns of her soon-to-be promotion. For anyone out there who was scratching their heads at how the sweetheart Desumi found herself working for Gekko, this explains it all. How this plot resolves itself is a tad predictable, but you love to see it nonetheless.
The back half of Love After World Domination Episode 6 sees the Gelato 5 head to the beach to test out part of their newest Voltron-like combining robot. When Desumi passes along that the heroes plan to be at the beach, she, Steel Princess, and Beast Princess are assigned to hit the beach for battle. Or, perhaps some sun and volleyball.
While the front half of this episode provided some soul searching and meaningful life choices with its goofy cast, this half is pure fun and fan service. While the latter is kept very light, the show is happy to show off how well Desumi wears her reaper-themed bikini.
The shining aspect of this half of the episode is how the show plays the misunderstandings surrounding how Desumi spends her beach day where Beast Princess is concerned. Believing Desumi has headed off to face the Gelatos on her own, Beast periodically runs into her, just in time to completely take her current situation out of context. How Beast explains Desumi’s actions in a way that gels with her villainous understanding of Desumi never failed to make me laugh. This goes double for the episode’s big finale moment.
The art continues its trend of understanding and delivering the show’s off-beat tone wonderfully. All the hijinks are given all the energy they need. The art also does just as good a job of bringing the more emotional elements of the story’s opening half to life as well.
When all is said and done, Love After World Domination Episode 6 manages to deliver two separate, but linked stories that allow the episode to explore a wide range of elements that all come together to leave the viewer smiling.
Love After World Domination Episode 6 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Love After World Domination Episode 6
When all is said and done, Love After World Domination Episode 6 manages to deliver two separate, but linked stories that allow the episode to explore a wide range of elements that all come together to leave the viewer smiling.