Sabikui Bisco is a fantasy/adventure anime produced by Oz. While Milo and Bisco escaped from Kurokawa’s trap, they took some hard hits doing it. Now, as Milo recovers, Bisco heads out to stop Kurokawa once and for all and save Jabi from the villain’s clutches in Sabikui Bisco Episode 9.
Every now and then, a story’s narrative performs such a hard left turn that you are put completely at a loss as the gears in your mind try to process what has just occurred. For this moment to come out of a fictional narrative requires a story to take a huge risk. A gamble with its core foundation that the viewer would never suspect the show to take. It’s rare for a narrative to take so drastic a course change. However, when executed properly, such a moment delivers the sort of storytelling power that makes a show the subject of discussion long after its run is complete. Sabikui Bisco Episode 9 delivers one such moment.
From its emotional opening between Bisco and Milo till the credits roll, this episode is nothing but plot reveals and heartbreaking moments. It’s tough to talk about as I don’t want to spoil anything, but suffice it to say, I’ll be thinking about this story for the rest of the day. Throughout everything that happens in this episode, the spotlight shines squarely on Bisco.
The way Sabikui Bisco has revealed Bisco’s true nature to the viewer over these last nine episodes has been a treat to watch. While initially coming across as generic angry anime boy, the show allows Bisco to grow so rapidly that it is hard to believe that it’s only been nine short episodes. Between his quickly maturing friendship with Milo, his reverence for Jabi, and his respect for Pawoo, Bisco has managed to expand beyond what I think many series in the medium would have made of him.
The other biggest scene-stealer in Sabikui Bisco Episode 9 is Kurokawa. After how loathsome last week’s episode made the antagonist, I didn’t think I could come to despise the villain anymore. Yet again, the story of this episode surprised me as the villain showed yet another side of himself that made my disgust for the pathetic excuse for a human only rise.
The animation and design throughout this episode bring all the emotion and action it contains to the viewer splendidly. Every design choice manages to fit both the off-beat tone of the world overall while never diminishing the episode heavy narrative. And the out-of-left-field Terminator 2: Judgement Day homage this episode drops is one of the greatest moments of its kind.
Once again, this series has me gushing over the amazing storytelling and fantastic characters it is filled with. Despite its many zany concepts, this show continues to elevate my every expectation of it, and Sabikui Bisco Episode 9 has me dying to find out what comes next.
Sabikui Bisco Episode 9 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Sabikui Bisco Episode 9
Once again, this series has me gushing over the amazing storytelling and fantastic characters it is filled with. Despite its many zany concepts, this show continues to elevate my every expectation of it, and Sabikui Bisco Episode 9 has me dying to find out what comes next.