Sabikui Bisco is a fantasy/adventure anime produced by Oz. Having successfully escaped from Imahama, Milo and Bisco now set out in search for the Rust Eater mushrooms. But if they hope to reach them in time to save Jabi, the duo will need to take a shortcut and enlist the help of Bisco’s giant crab companion. There’s only one problem. The crab doesn’t seem to care for Milo, which may make riding him a bit tricky in Sabikui Bisco Episode 4.
When I reviewed last week’s episode, I expressed some concern about how the show would develop the relationship between Milo and Bisco. I worried that it would boil down to Bisco yelling and insulting Milo a lot while Milo meekly apologized for something he probably shouldn’t be. I’m pleased to say that while Bisco does retain some of the overall angry traits the series presented him with in the early episodes, it has begun to develop him into more than just an angry guy that yells a lot.
The bulk of Sabikui Bisco Episode 4‘s time revolves around Milo’s struggle to ride Bisco’s giant crab. The plot point is used skillfully to do a lot of character building. It works to flesh out Bisco and Milo, both separately as well as together, while also firmly establishing that the crab itself is a true character, not just a beast of burden. While much of this focused sequence is delivered through a humorous lens, there are a couple of moments of genuine feeling as Milo struggles to understand why he is failing to connect with their crustacean companion.
Beyond Milo’s training, Sabikui Bisco Episode 4 sees the group run into a familiar face from Imahama. Like the previous plot point, this plot thread is utilized in many different ways. From fleshing out characters to delivering some subtle world-building, this second storyline manages to put in a lot of work story-wise. Plus, it leads into this week’s action sequence.
While the action here is brief, it is nonetheless exciting to watch. The visuals showcase this sequence of excitement well, delivering both excitement as well as some fun. The ridiculous nature of the situation that imperils the group isn’t lost on the show itself. Not taking the moment too seriously, Sabikui Bisco Episode 4 allows some humor to run through the action.
When all is said and done, Sabikui Bisco Episode 4 delivers a fun, interesting story that does a lot. From character-building to action and fleshing out the world, this episode packs a lot in. But its greatest achievement is how smoothly it delivers so much. Many elements could easily slip by a viewer if they aren’t paying attention. This smooth inclusion allows the show to keep things fun and interesting despite packing in a lot of information.
Sabikui Bisco Episode 4 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
Sabikui Bisco Episode 4
When all is said and done, Sabikui Bisco Episode 4 delivers a fun, interesting story that does a lot. From character-building to action and fleshing out the world, this episode packs a lot in.