Sabikui Bisco is a fantasy/adventure anime produced by Oz. With Milo doing his best to heal Jabi, Bisco comes face-to-face with the leader of the watch. Unfortunately, Bisco doesn’t know Pawoo is Milo’s sister. With Pawoo believing Bisco destroyed the clinic and Milo along with it, Pawoo decides it’s up to her to stop Bisco once and for all in Sabikui Bisco Episode 3.
The most stand-out part of this episode is easily Bisco’s battle with Pawoo. As the first confrontation between two established characters who are billed as strong combatants, this throwdown sets the bar for battles to come. And on the whole, it delivers. Both characters get a chance to showcase some powerful skills, as well as establish that they are more than just brutes who punch things. But while Bisco can certainly hold his own, Pawoo easily steals the show from him. Even though the battle proves both are nearly equal to each other, one cannot forget that Pawoo is suffering from advanced Rusting. This leaves the impression that she would be an absolute beast if not for her condition. Hopefully, we’ll get to see her at full power before the series runs its course.
The other side of Sabikui Bisco Episode 3‘s story sees Milo continue to aid the suffering Jabi. As Milo tends to the dying man, Jabi informs Milo of the truth about the relationship between mushrooms and the rust, as well as how the myth that mushrooms cause the rust came to be. These explanations are wonderfully crafted and make a lot of sense. And while these explanations would be enough to explain the situation entirely, I suspect there are probably more reasons for the misinformation that will come out later. Since there is always someone who can profit off of a life-threatening illness that everyone is convinced is propagated by the thing that might cure it.
The visual side of this episode delivers the story with eye-catching skill. Bisco and Pawoo’s respective power is displayed wonderfully throughout their fight. Both fighters come across as equal parts skilled, confident, powerful. While the battle is the more memorable of the two sides of the story, the visuals take no less care with Milo and Jabi. Jabi’s pain and Milo’s concern come across clearly throughout their interactions.
As Sabikui Bisco Episode 3 wraps up, the series is set to enter the next phase of its story. While I’ve enjoyed the series to date, the setup that comes has me with some concerns for what comes next. But whether or not those worries come to pass are things that will only be discovered with time. For now, we will just have to see where this adventure takes its cast and viewers next.
Sabikui Bisco Episode 3 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
Sabikui Bisco Episode 3
As Sabikui Bisco Episode 3 wraps up, the series is set to enter the next phase of its story. While I’ve enjoyed the series to date, the setup that comes has me with some concerns for what comes next.