Sabikui Bisco is a fantasy/adventure anime produced by Oz. With the city in chaos and giant mushrooms springing up all around, Milo is confronted by Bisco with the demand that he heal his injured comrade. Meanwhile, Milo’s sister Pawoo returns to her station with the Guard to begin hunting Bisco in Sabikui Bisco Episode 2.
This week’s episode is once again split between the story at Imahama and the confrontation at the desert gate from the last episode. The desert sequence eventually ties into the main narrative, bringing the two threads into one plot. Despite some momentary confusion for me about how these two threads were going to reconcile with each other, by the time it all comes together is manages to merge the two smoothly and seamlessly.
At the heart of Sabikui Bisco Episode 2 is the meeting between Milo and Bisco. Bisco is quickly revealed to be the archetypal anime character that generally doesn’t believe in indoor voices, or communicating with threats of physical violence. Similar to Bakugo from My Hero Academia, the later seasons’ version of the character though, as the show does also makes a point to establish that he does care deeply for his comrade and is capable of showing some appreciation. This duality makes the character fit the role of the abrasive protagonist, while also allowing the viewer to like him more than others in the archetype.
The other place where Sabikui Bisco Episode 2 puts a significant part of its focus is in building up some of its side characters like Imahama’s governor and Milo’s sister Pawoo. These characters are given enough screen time to allow their personalities to come more into view as they respond to the evolving situation throughout the city. Through these moments, the viewer can get a clearer sense of each character and how they will fit into the series. I particularly like Pawoo’s time in this episode. She seems like an interesting character that has more layers to her personality and goals that have yet to be revealed.
The visual side of this episode got to fully reveal the nature of battle in this new setting. Giant crabs, cannon-bearing hippos, and aircraft bearing some form of giant mollusk on the front all deliver memorable moments within the combat sequences of the show. The only aspect of the series of battles that I feel are going to provide a bit of frustration for me is Bisco’s arrows that cause giant mushrooms to sprout from whatever they hit. The only reason why this gimmick is going to frustrate me is due to how they always manage to magically sprout exactly when, and in whatever size or configuration he needs them to. This is a small gripe to be sure, but unless it is explained somehow in the series I just know it is gonna chew at the back of my mind.
When all is said and done, Sabikui Bisco Episode 2 delivers an action-packed episode that continues to flesh out the show’s cast while entertaining the audience with lots of original combat moments. The episode’s cliff-hanger ending promises the potential for an impactful opening confrontation in the story to come next week.
Sabikui Bisco Episode 2 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
Sabikui Bisco Episode 2 — "Soar on King Trumpets"
When all is said and done, Sabikui Bisco Episode 2 delivers an action-packed episode that continues to flesh out the show’s cast while entertaining the audience with lots of original combat moments. The episode’s cliff-hanger ending promises the potential for an impactful opening confrontation in the story to come next week.