Power Rangers Universe #1 is written by Nicole Andelfinger, illustrated by Simone Ragazzoni, colored by Mattia Iacono, and lettered by Ed Dukeshire. It is published by BOOM! Studios. Years in the past, the Morphin Masters chose to explore the Morphin Grid with the help of a Morphinaut. However, a malevolent force strikes, leaving the Morphinaut trapped in the Morphin Grid and attacking the Masterforges located around the galaxy. A young group of Morphin Masters resolves to confront this new threat and solve the mystery of the missing Morphinaut.
Power Rangers Universe continues the trend of the recent Power Rangers Unlimited one-shots by expanding upon the background of other Power Rangers characters—namely the Phantom Ranger, who was the main focus of the Power Rangers Unlimited: Edge of Darkness one-shot. The Phantom Ranger has long been a mystery to Power Rangers fans; theories have run about his origin for years. With this comic, Andelfinger finally reveals his connection to the Morphin’ Grid—and it honestly makes a lot of sense, given his abilities in Power Rangers Turbo. Andelfinger is no stranger to expanding upon established lore, with her work on The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance and The Dragon Prince comics. I’m looking forward to seeing what else she touches upon in the Power Rangers universe.
Andelfinger also introduces a new cast of characters, which consists of Morphin Masters Telosi, Rhian, Phiro, Orisanth, and Kartor. They have a similar dynamic to the original Power Rangers, especially with how they work as a unit and their stumbling into a battle that could decide the fate of the universe. They even have their own connection to the Morphin Grid via devices called Morphin Hearts; considering the Morphin Masters’ connection to the Morphin Grid and eventual empowerment of the various Power Rangers across the multiverse, I’m curious to see how this all comes together.
Ragazzoni, who previously illustrated the Power Rangers Unlimited one-shots, returns and crafts a series of alien worlds that feel more at home with Star Trek than Power Rangers. This actually works in the comic’s favor, as this takes place centuries before the events of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Each Morphin Master wears a long, white, flowing robe over different colored armor, and eagle-eyed fans will notice that this armor bears more than a striking resemblance to the original Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers uniforms. Telosi, for example, is a spitting image of the Green Ranger. The Phantom Ranger even has a different outfit; he wears an all-white version of his trademark suit when he is a Morphinaut, complete with gold accents.
Rounding out the creative team is Iacono, who served as a colorist on the most recent issue of Radiant Black. Iacono’s colors are vibrant and eye-catching, which is exactly what I expect from a Power Rangers comic. Planets are filled with bluish-green and bright pink vegetation, and the Morphin Grid is a brilliant shaft of white light in the universe. Even Dukeshire’s captions have different colors based on which Morphin’ Master is speaking. Combined with Ragazzoni’s art, readers are in for a visual treat.
Power Rangers Universe #1 explores the mysteries of the Power Rangers mythos, including the origins of the Phantom Ranger and Morphin Masters. Fans of Power Rangers—whether it’s the TV show or Boom Studios’ other Ranger comics—will definitely want to pick this up, as it’s been hinted that Universe will have major ramifications for the world of Power Rangers.
Power Rangers Universe #1 is available wherever comics are sold.
Power Rangers Universe #1
Fans of Power Rangers—whether it’s the TV show or Boom Studios’ other Ranger comics—will definitely want to pick this up, as it’s been hinted that Universe will have major ramifications for the world of Power Rangers.