Hawkeye is off to an incredibly fun start, as the series finally gives Clint Barton some layers beyond his archer and agent of SHIELD status. The show also boasts an unforgettable performance from Marvel’s newest up-and-coming hero, Kate Bishop. But the two archers are in a world of trouble as they lay prisoner to the tracksuit mafia, led by another new character, Echo. Now in Episode 3 “Echoes”, Clint and Kate attempt to escape the clutches of mafia, while trying not to destroy New York along the way.
The series is directed by Rhys Thomas, Bert, and Bertie, as Marvel takes the time to dive into one of the founding Avengers. Starring Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton, Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop, Vera Farmiga as Eleanor Bishop, and Tony Dalton as Jack Duquesne.
In the previous episode, “Hide and Seek,” Clint got Kate to safety as he explained the dangers of wearing the Ronin suit. Mainly that the entire criminal underworld wanted to see the vigilante dead. Kate, however, was less than careful, and now the tracksuit mafia thinks she is Ronin. Meanwhile Clint attends a LARPing session to claim back his Ronin outfit. Maybe the most significant plot point was the introduction of Echo at the very end of the episode, played by Alaqua Cox.
Now in Episode 3, Clint and Kate are at the wrong end of a bad situation as they lay imprisoned at the hands of Echo, and the tracksuit mafia. Before we get to that point, though, we have to talk about that opening sequence which delves into the past to explain who the character of Echo (Maya Lopez) actually is.
That opening scene was so brilliantly conceived and executed, as it pays close attention to her childhood deafness, her attention to detail allowing her the ability to mirror fighting styles, and her connection with the criminal underworld, most notably with Ronin. Right now is where I warn you about a HUGE Marvel tease as well. Please go and watch this episode as quick as you can so you don’t have this tiny moment spoiled for you.
“Echoes” attempts to provide an insight into the impact Ronin had during the time of the blip and the mess he left behind. Cox provides such a wonderful performance in her first big storyline within the show, and it has me excited for what to expect for her upcoming solo series.
On top of that, we also get our first big over the top action-packed car chase complete with some explosive action. This sequence makes up the bulk of the episode, and honestly, it’s just great entertainment. I had some issues with the quality of the CGI in places, and it’s mainly the background effects that left me a little jarred as it looked a lot cheaper than I’ve come to expect from the quality of a Marvel series, or film. That being said, there are still plenty of points where the action looks top-notch, especially when it comes to the trick arrows.
The continued partnership between Steinfeld and Renner results in some fantastic on-screen chemistry as they play up mismatched comical pairing. For anyone who’s read the comics that inspired the series, they definitely found a way to adapt that relationship so well.
Episode 3 of Hawkeye titled “Echoes” is an action-packed, comedic thrill ride layered with some emotional backstory and teasing the introduction of a HUGE Marvel villain. There is a lot of detail to unpack, and the series promises some big storylines that will have fans excited for more. Get the episode watched before you see spoilers online!
Hawkeye Episode 3 “Echoes” is available now exclusively on Disney+.
Hawkeye Episode 3 "Echoes"
Episode 3 of Hawkeye titled “Echoes” is an action-packed, comedic thrill ride layered with some emotional backstory and teasing the introduction of a HUGE Marvel villain. There is a lot of detail to unpack, and the series promises some big storylines that will have fans excited for more. Get the episode watched before you see spoilers online!