My Hero Academia is a superhero-shonen anime produced by studio BONES. With the League of Villains having received an invitation from the Metahuman Liberation Army to come rescue their associate, Shigaraki and company arrive at Deika City to find the Liberation Army has prepared a special welcome for them. And when one of their numbers gets separated in all the chaos, will they be able to survive on their own in My Hero Academia Episode 109.
This week’s episode opens with a brief history of the Metahuman Liberation Army, going back to its roots when society first dealt with quirks and the upheaval that followed those events. It is an interesting dive into another viewpoint that sees the current state of superhuman society as flawed and needing to be dismantled, even if there are a few glaring flaws in the group’s rationale.
When the League arrives in Deika City, they discover a true army waiting for them. Hostilities quickly escalate as the League faces the full brunt of the Liberation Army’s force. And in all the initial confusion, Toga is quickly separated from her comrades and forced to face a determined adversary all on her own.
This confrontation serves as the highlight of My Hero Academia Episode 109 as it gives viewers a glimpse into the history of Toga. While I’ve never been a big fan of the character myself, the dive into her past presented here does a great job of highlighting how people can be forced into harsh situations for reasons not of their own making.
The manifestation of Toga’s quirk, as well as her trademark smile, causes those around her to pressure her to repress what she is. As a result, she is mistreated for a situation that is not of her doing. If rather than scorn, someone had tried to find some way to work with the girl and seek out a healthy way to function with her quirk, would young Toga found herself where she is now? The particular emphasis My Hero Academia Episode 109 puts on Toga’s somewhat disturbing smile reminds me of another shonen character who gets judged for his appearance. However, his story does take a decidedly different turn than hers.
The visuals throughout My Hero Academia Episode 109 put in a ton of work in delivering everything the episode brings to bear. From the numerous quirks shown off in the various fights and the design of the notable characters from the Metahuman Liberation Army to bringing the emotional weight of Toga’s history to life, BONES once again manages to bring pitch-perfect visuals to their story.
When all is said and done, My Hero Academia Episode 109 continues the My Villain Academia arc with a lot of weight and hard-hitting moments. Along with its emotional look at Toga, the episode’s ending sets up another member of the League for what could be a game-changing moment for the character. However, despite having its normal starring cast completely absent, My Hero Academia shows it can tell a great story regardless.
My Hero Academia Episode 109 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
My Hero Academia Episode 109 - "Revival Party"
My Hero Academia Episode 109 continues the My Villain Academia arc with a lot of weight and hard-hitting moments. Along with its emotional look at Toga, the episode’s ending sets up another member of the League for what could be a game-changing moment for the character. Despite having its normal starring cast completely absent, My Hero Academia shows it can tell a great story regardless.