Scarlet Nexus is a sci-fi anime from Sunrise, based on the video game by Bandai Namco Entertainment. After Major General Karen turned on the New Himuka government, Yuito’s platoon found themselves caught in the middle of the collapsing situation. But as they struggle, Kasane’s platoon is nowhere to be seen. Where have they been? Scarlet Nexus Episode 6 catches up with the other half of the story as it picks up with Kasane after she was separated from Yuito two episodes ago.
This episode delivers the most critical plot moment for Scarlet Nexus before the big finale. While I won’t go into the details of what happens as not to spoil the moments for people, what the story does in this episode is one of the more unique plot points I’ve seen in a long time.
While Yuito remains an important piece of the story after this, the events of Scarlet Nexus Episode 6 firmly solidify Kasane as the key fixture of the series narrative. The truths about the world, its secrets, and what she must do to save it are interesting. The best part about the whole sequence is how the information, along with the upsetting solution she is given, is delivered to her. The story utilizes some classic science fiction plot points to create the situation that entangles Kasane caught me completely off guard the first time I saw them.
The final portion of Scarlet Nexus Episode 6 sees Kasane return to Suoh and attempt to sway the situation that is still breaking down. This moment further solidifies what Kasane will have to do in the coming episodes and raises some questions about one of her squadmates. The mysteries brought forward in these later moments can easily get eclipsed by the bombshells that landed in the first half of the episode but shouldn’t be overlooked all the same.
The big question that I have as the series moves past this critical junction is how it will deliver the cast’s personalities from here. The game took great pains to let the player get to know the various personalities that surround Yuito and Kasane. The method utilized, though, won’t translate to tv, so it will be interesting to see if they find a way to work those personalities and histories in to some extent, or if they will simply get glossed over as the show moves through its main narrative.
The visual presentation in Scarlet Nexus Episode 6 continues to do a satisfactory job of bringing its narrative to life. Kasane’s moments in the story bring the emotional hits she takes well. Certain side characters’ personalities are given that extra bit of life thanks to the visual delivery that brings their moments to the viewer.
When all is said and done, Scarlet Nexus Episode 6 brings the story’s pivotal plot moment to life with an adequate amount of power. Now to see if the series can continue to do the evolving storyline justice.
Scarlet Nexus Episode 6 is streaming on Funimation.
Scarlet Nexus Episode 6
When all is said and done, Scarlet Nexus Episode 6 brings the story’s pivotal plot moment to life with an adequate amount of power. Now to see if the series can continue to do the evolving storyline justice.