To Your Eternity is a shonen fantasy anime produced by Brian’s Base. Fushi continues his search for Pioran, but his progress is slow. Meanwhile, Tonari, the girl who brought Fushi to Janada, struggles to get into Fushi’s good graces. She claims to want to help Fushi, but what are her real motives in To Your Eternity Episode 15?
Opening this week’s episode, we join Fushi as he kneels by a small lake remembering his time with Parona. His recent assumption of her form implies an end for the shaken archer who was so dear to Fushi’s mother. And even though Fushi is currently deprived of his memories of March, the emotional resonance of both her and Parona clearly rings through the young immortal.
The last episode saw Fushi exposed to a world and views on life that were almost completely contradictory to his own. His struggle with these alternate views of life, death, and what makes both worthwhile or sometimes necessary continue to be the thrust of the narrative in To Your Eternity Episode 15. Fushi’s choices concerning Pioran, as well as his approach to the arena, continue to cause problems for the still-maturing immortal.
One of the biggest sources of Fushi’s struggles is the young woman named Tonari. As this episode’s name implies, Tonari is a big part of the story this week, and I feel like the reception to the character could prove to be quite divisive. At this point in the story, I can’t see Tonari as anything but a manipulator and potential abuser for Fushi. She strings him along and tries to manipulate him with rapidly changing emotional states that feel insincere and performative at best. Any time she proves useful to Fushi, it is always at a time when her actions also help her. While it’s too early to say where the character will eventually fall on the good/bad scale, I hope the narrative doesn’t make the mistake of putting Tonari in such a harsh light that any later attempt at redemption ends up ringing hollow.
Even as To Your Eternity Episode 15 continues these emotional struggles for our protagonist, such things eventually have to be set aside when external threats come calling. Fushi and those around him are forced to take action against this threat, showcasing how quickly external dangers can make for temporary alliances.
The animation leans into the emotional moments of To Your Eternity Episode 15 well. It brings Fushi pain at the realization of Parona’s fate with plenty of force. It also does a good job of managing to keep up with the ever-shifting emotional presentation of Tonari. Keeping up with the character’s rapid-fire transitions is an impressive feat to pull off without breaking the moment and turning it into something more comical feeling than it is intended to be.
Trying to place how I feel about To Your Eternity Episode 15 is a tricky thing. While it is executed well in and of itself, it feels like how I ultimately feel about what it attempts to do with its characters will come down to where the narrative ends up taking them.
To Your Eternity Episode 15 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
To Your Eternity Episode 15
Trying to place how I feel about To Your Eternity Episode 15 is a tricky thing. While it is executed well in and of itself, it feels like how I ultimately feel about what it attempts to do with its characters will come down to where the narrative ends up taking them.