Venom #35 is published by Marvel Comics written by Donny Cates, Phillip Kennedy Johnson. Pencils by Ryan Stegman, Kev Walker, Danilo S. Beyruth, Ron Lim, Guiu Vilanova, Gerardo Sandoval and Mark Bagley. Inks by JP Mayer, Jay Leisten, Kev Walker, Danilo S. Beyruth, Scott Hanna, Guiu Vilanova, Gerardo Sandoval, Victor Nava, and John Dell. Colors by Frank Martin, Chris O’Halloran, Jim Campbell, Matt Milla, Alex Sinclair, Chris Sotomayor, and Richard Isanove. Last, but certainly not least, letters by VC’s Clayton Cowles.
Previously, Eddie and his Symbiote returned back from the dead with the power of the Enigma force and defeated Knull. Let’s not forget he also forged an insanely brilliant new weapon by combing Mjolnir, and the Silver Surfers board, and shaping it into a battle axe. Now Eddie is the hive mind, and God of the symbiotes.
Venom #35 takes a final swan song, in this, the 200th Venom cover, of the Cates/Stegman run, by touching base with where Eddie is at, opening serveral storylines for “other” Symbiotes. Honestly this issue is packed with spoilers so that’s all you’re getting from me.
Needless to say, I bloody loved this issue, and given what an impact this Venom run had, with Absolute Carnage, and then finishing with King in Black, it’s such a perfect little ending while also opening up some future storylines.
My one qualm with the issue is in the title page where the authors, artists, colorists, and letterers are listed. As you more than likely noticed, this particular comic is an oversized issue, boasting a hefty 85 pages. Sadly, the art, and coloring is not identified clearly which makes a review slightly difficult. That being said this comic is packed so let me speak generally to what I loved about it.
The narrative through line was well plotted, and each segment segued well smoothly from one to the next. Often times guest authors and artists on an issue like this feels clunky and decentralized. Whereas there was a great level of organization to tie this altogether and it all felt very, excuse the pun but it feels like a poignant time to use it, symbiotic.
Not only did it feel connected, but each smaller story, elevates the larger narrative and aids in the message of, this is the end. It actually had me feeling really emotional, I am not underselling this when I say for Venomaniacs, this is such a fantastically conceived and executed conclusion.
The varying use of art, and the coloring paired well with each story, and I was surprised at how natural the changing styles felt to the pace of the story. I mean there’s 85 bloody pages, and if that doesn’t float your boat there’s a gallery at the back highlighting all 200 covers. The styles used left me feeling thankful for all the wonderful creatives who added to the mythos of Venom over the years.
This is an incredibly heavy dialogue focused story, with Eddie narrating throughout, and Cowles did a lot of heavy lifting. Standing ovation though, as he struck a great balance in the size, and placement of all of the speech that feels natural to the eye to follow to keep the pace of the story. It’s really impressively seamless.
How do you single out one contribution in a comic issue that has this many wonderful creatives adding their touch to the world of Venom?
This swan song of an issue perfectly encapsulates the ending of an era that gives closure to a spectacular almost four year run. There’s so much to love here, and the transitions from creative to creative is incredibly smooth. A magnificent way to mark the 200th cover of Venom, while also creating quite a few other opportunities for other Symbiotes to now take center stage. Take a bloody big bow to everyone involved, a stupendous finale!
Venom #35 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Venom Issue #35
This swan song of an issue perfectly encapsulates the ending of an era that gives closure to a spectacular almost four year run. There’s so much to love here, and the transitions from creative to creative is incredibly smooth. A magnificent way to mark the 200th cover of Venom, while also creating quite a few other opportunities for other Symbiotes to now take center stage. Take a bloody big bow to everyone involved, a stupendous finale!