Scarlet Nexus is a sci-fi anime from Sunrise, based on the video game by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Humanity’s world is under constant threat of attack from the Others: twisted-looking monsters that can strike without warning. Our only defense is an elite force of gifted individuals who make up the Others Suppression Force (OSF). Today, the OSF is welcoming its newest batch of recruits. While their powers and skill levels all vary, it will take their strength and teamwork to survive what is to come on Scarlet Nexus Episode 1.
Since getting my hands on the game demo last month, I’ve been hungry for anything Scarlet Nexus. When I learned Funimation had released episode one of the upcoming anime to their YouTube account I had to check it out. Now that I have watched the pilot, I am even more hyped to fully dive into this world when the game releases.
Scarlet Nexus Episode 1 splits its runtime into two parts. The first sees the viewer introduced to the main characters as they graduate from training and become full-fledged members of the OSF. The back half of the episode sees the recruits forced to rush into combat as a group of Others crashes the festivities.
The opening does a good job of balancing world-building with entertaining character introductions. Yuito and his friend Naga take center stage for this portion of the episode as the world of Scarlet Nexus is introduced primarily through their eyes. While the duo quickly becomes friends, their lives are instantly shown to be strikingly different. The variety of the cast only grows as more characters are introduced and the world comes to life. While at the induction ceremony the two friends happen across the Randell sisters, Naomi and Kasane. While this first meeting is brief, it is instantly clear that Yuito and Kasane will be meeting again soon.
Once the ceremony wraps, the recruits are introduced to their new units and viewers get to see a larger sampling of the variety of powers that exist in this world. Within Yuito’s small squad alone there are elementalists, a clairvoyant, and a psychokinetic. The introductions are cut short, however, as a group of Others are detected in the city and the new recruits are forced to head out.
The remainder of Scarlet Nexus Episode 1 showcases both the high-energy side of this world and the story. The various mental powers of the OSF members are all delivered in a way that delivers the sleek, stylish vibe that fits with the eye-catching character designs of the individuals wielding them.
On the other side of the battle, we get to see the twisted horrors that are the Others. These bizarre monstrosities are warped combinations of everyday items given life and terrifying intent. I want to try to describe one of them, but the simple description wouldn’t do the image justice. The combination of items used to create the form, along with the uneven and imbalanced way it moves, creates a sense of a completely alien nature to these creatures.
When all is said and done, Scarlet Nexus Episode 1 delivers a great balance of world-building and science fiction-infused action horror. It left me with a lot of promise for what this series will bring as the series unfolds. Happily, we won’t have to wait long to get more from Scarlet Nexus as the game drops on June 25 and the end of this pilot reveals the series will start airing on July 1st.
Scarlet Nexus Episode 1
When all is said and done, Scarlet Nexus Episode 1 delivers a great balance of world-building and science fiction-infused action horror. It left me with a lot of promise for what this series will bring as the series unfolds. Happily, we won’t have to wait long to get more from Scarlet Nexus as the game drops on June 25 and the end of this pilot reveals the series will start airing on July 1st.