To Your Eternity is a shonen fantasy anime produced by Brian’s Base. Having run off from Booze Man’s place, Gugu was almost kidnapped by men who would sell him to a freak show. Only a last-second rescue from Fushi allowed the young boy to escape. Now, as brothers, Fushi and Gugu must decide what to do next. There may yet be someone else who cares about what happens to Gugu in To Your Eternity Episode 9.
Having healed the rift that had formed between the duo, Fushi and Gugu open this episode by having some fun at the locals’ expense. Scaring people with Fushi’s monstrous bear form, the two get back at those who mocked Gugu’s appearance. However, the situation quickly becomes more complicated as Rean shows up looking to bring Gugu back to Booze Man’s, who has promised to remove the booze he stored in Gugu’s stomach.
Gugu’s previous comfort in his appearance vanishes with Rean’s arrival. To facilitate their departure, Fushi runs off to find Gugu’s old mask. While he is gone, Rean and Gugu end up having a heart-to-heart talk about their lives, where they have come from, and the things they are ashamed of.
To Your Eternity Episode 9 explores a lot of themes through the conversation between Rean and Gugu. But the theme it handles best is its exploration of the struggles we have and how our unique perspectives shape the nature and magnitude of them.
When Rean confides in Gugu why she’s been staying at Booze Man’s, he cannot comprehend why she is complaining. To him, the frustrations and struggles Rean is faced with are good things. Why she would run from them is beyond him. Likewise, Rean struggles with why Gugu refuses to allow her to see him without a mask on. However, Gugu looks he is still Gugu. Which is all she cares about.
To Your Eternity Episode 9 triumphs in this exploration of perspective in that it does not make the mistake of implying one or the other’s point of view is the correct one. Rather it allows both to be seen as the relative perspectives they are. And while most would probably say Gugu has had a harder life, one cannot dismiss Rean’s understandable frustrations with her place in the world.
The art and animation throughout this episode capture the joy, hurt, and innocence of its characters incredibly well. Rean and Gugu are allowed to deliver their side of the story’s feature moment with clarity and precision while still feeling like young kids who simply wish to have happiness.
To Your Eternity Episode 9 brings a lovely mix of emotions to the ongoing narrative. The heart of this series to date has been how it manages to make the viewer smile, laugh and cry in such quick succession while managing not to undermine any one emotion with the others. This trademark emotional harmony delivers a lovely story in this episode.
To Your Eternity Episode 9 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
To Your Eternity Episode 9
To Your Eternity Episode 9 brings a lovely mix of emotions to the ongoing narrative. The heart of this series to date has been how it manages to make the viewer smile, laugh and cry in such quick succession while managing not to undermine any one emotion with the others. This trademark emotional harmony delivers a lovely story in this episode.