Stephanie Williams, comic creator and writer, joins LaNeysha and Carolyn on this new episode of So Here’s What Happened to discuss her crowd-funded comic, Living Heroes. Living Heroes is an original comic series featuring short stories starring beloved Marvel heroines such as Ororo Monroe (Storm), Monica Rambeau, Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk), and Misty Knight living together in a superhero kind of world inspired by the 90’s sitcom Living Single. Illustrated by O’Neill Jones. Living Heroes was funded by Kickstarter within 24hrs.
Stephanie Williams is a comic historian and pop culture critic for notable publications such as SYFYFANGRRLS, Marvel, The A.V. Club, Nerdist, Den of Geek, and Rotten Tomatoes. She is currently a content producer for What To Watch. Stephanie is also a comic creator with three ongoing webcomics, Parenthood Activate!, But What If Though?, and Living Heroes. She made her Marvel debut with a short story featuring Monica Rambeau in Marvel’s Voices: Legacy.
Stephanie Williams is a creator, writer of webcomic, and podcaster. She started sharing her love for comics by tweeting panels from books and sharing her thoughts through her hilarious and viral memes on Twitter. Williams also shared her interest and vast knowledge of comics on her podcasts, The Lemonade Podcast and Misty Knight’s Uninformed Afro.
Williams started creating her own stories using the comic medium in 2019. Her webcomic BUT WHAT IF THOUGH is her version of the Marvel’s “What If” comic series but remixes characters from DC Comics, beloved tv shows, movies, and etc. Wiliams has a very specific brand of comedy and loves putting beloved iconic characters in everyday situations and theorizing how she thinks they would act in those situations.
Check out the links below to follow and learn more about about Williams and her work.
Website: whysteph.com
Twitter: @Step_I_Will