My Hero Academia is a superhero-shounen anime produced by Bones. Even while some still come to terms with recent changes in their world, the training battles between Class A and Class B begin! With each class broken into five teams to battle against each other in five separate matches which class will get the most wins? Also, a new student joins the ranks of the hero course today in My Hero Academia Episode 91.
This week’s episode opens with Midoriya recalling his recent experience within One For All to All-Might. As the two discuss what Midoriya saw, and his interactions with the original bearer of One For All we learn that things seem to be changing within the power. Also, what seems to be a cryptic warning is passed from the original bearer to Midoriya. Though what it means currently eludes the duo.
Upon completing their meeting, My Hero Academia Episode 91 sees All Might and Midoriya run into Aizawa who has a new student to the hero course with him. While he’s new to the hero course long-time viewers will instantly recognize Shinso from his match with Midoriya at the Sports Festival in season one. There he mind-controlled Midoriya, trying to force him to walk out of the ring. This moment also prompted Midoriya’s first encounter with the predecessors. With their re-introduction to each other done, the two students are sent off to get ready for the next step in their hero training.
From here My Hero Academia Episode 91 begins the focus of the current story arc: the training battle between Classes A and B. As Aizawa and Vlad break down the rules for their students, there is a ton of eagerness and energy coming from the students. Many of whom are sporting new versions of their costumes. While none are major redesigns, the tweaks to most deliver some noticeable change to the static looks the students have had since season one.
With the rules out of the way and the teams picked at random the battles are set to begin. And surprising no one, Shinso instantly makes his presence felt in the competition. But will his presence be enough to help Class A get the win in the first battle?
While My Hero Academia Episode 91 manages to give us some nice character moments, it’s predominantly set up for the coming arc. This sort of episode isn’t anything new for the series, though as this is the first chance I’ve had to watch My Hero Academia as it airs, this style of episode is much more of a disappointment when I can’t just continue to the good stuff.
The visuals throughout this episode showcase all the strength in design Bones has always delivered with the series. This is especially true of Midoriya’s time with the predecessors. While not the first time viewers have seen this dreamscape in the series, I always love how it is presented.
While My Hero Academia Episode 91 struggles a bit with its pacing, it manages to delve into some of the mysteries surrounding One For All, while also getting things set for the big training battles. With all the exposition out of the way here’s hoping the next episode can deliver on the setup this week laid out.
My Hero Academia Episode 91 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
My Hero Academia Episode 91 - "Clash! Class A vs. Class B"
While My Hero Academia Episode 91 struggles a bit with its pacing, it manages to delve into some of the mysteries surrounding One For All, while also getting things set for the big training battles. With all the exposition out of the way here’s hoping the next episode can deliver on the setup this week laid out.