The Man-Thing is celebrating its 50th birthday as a character in the Marvel Comics universe, so naturally, he had to have his own mini-series to celebrate. Under the stewardship of Orlando however, this is set to be far from anything pleasant for the creature from the swamps of Florida.
The debut issue is an oversized one, broken up into three chapters. Initially, we are introduced to the Substratum, the underground lab to the group called Hordeculture. The group is composed of four experienced scientific minds that are discontent with the planet’s biome from the dominant species, mankind. One of their younger, and newer members, is intent on being more aggressive with their tactics by merging science with magic, how very Doctor Doom. This young mind, The Harrower, plans to overthrow the Man-Thing and command his powers as her own and overthrow the superpowered community.
It’s a great feat that Orlando has extra pages to utilize within this issue, and he really makes use of that space. The origin story of the titular character is addressed, and there is a lot of room for new fans to come in and enjoy the issue without ever having known anything about him. The villain herself also is very intriguing, as she demonstrates a determined focus on pushing towards her goal, a global reckoning.Â
Given this is a mini-series, the pace within the issue at times feels a little rushed, and I would have loved to have seen some more of the scenes explored.Â
The artwork from Mobili is conflicting. There are times when some of conceptual design of the images are brilliant. For instance during the initial battle between the Harrower and Man-Thing there’s a scene that made me double take because I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. I say that with the upmost appreciation, because the scene is absolutely bonkers. Then there are other moments that feel a little drab and plain.
This may have been at times because of the coloring from GURU-eFX. The colors within the issue are bright, and gives off a happier tone. It gives off an awkward juxtaposition, as this issue and series strikes me as something moodier and with frightening themes. That being said it visually doesn’t come off that way.
The flow of the lettering was decent, but nothing mind-blowing. The design of the onomatopoeia really failed to impact on the story, which is a shame because there was a lot of action.
Overall this was an interesting premise and Orlando appears to be in his element. While some of the art doesn’t live up to the concept, there were some brilliant panels that this series can definitely build from. A good first issue, but nothing mind-blowing.
Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing #1 is available in comic stores now.
Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing #1
Overall this was an interesting premise and Orlando appears to be in his element. While some of the art doesn’t live up to the concept, there were some brilliant panels that this series can definitely build from. A good first issue, but nothing mind-blowing.