IDOLY PRIDE is an idol anime created by Lirche, streaming on Funimation in the U.S. The last episode of Idoly Pride gave both the girls of Hoshimi Productions and the viewer a break with a chill, playful summer episode. Now, Idoly Pride Episode 8, “You’re Good Just the Way You Are” drops viewers directly into the action with Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace, Hoshimi Production’s star units.
Immediately, one thing is clear: these girls are good. They’re quickly rising through the Venus Program, excelling at their craft as they strive towards the same heights Nagase Mana once reached. Thankfully, it’s immediately revealed that both groups will be in the finals, barely scraping a win into the Top 16.
But hey, in this house, we celebrate victories of all kinds. And y’all? I felt genuine pride seeing Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace’s meteoric rise.
Their competition in the Grand Prix includes LizNoir and TRINITYAiLE, two groups we’ve seen multiple times throughout the series. The former, LizNoir, actually met with girls. The former desires to meet them on stage. Now, in the finals of the Next Venus Grand Prix, all three will clash in a musical battle.
Idoly Pride Episode 8 marks a completely different tone for the series. While the show still has a lot of heart, it’s clear that we’re in the final arc. The finals for the Next Venus Grand Prix are a whole new game. Both Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace are going to have to bring their a-game to the stage if they expect to surpass LizNoir and TRINITYAiLE.
A lot of Idoly Pride Episode 8 is focused on getting the final arc started. Viewers get a lot of character building, as well as a lot of new plot threads going into the end of the show. Additionally, Kotono and Sakura, the first two idols under Hoshimi Production’s new unit system, grow closer, bonding over their shared link with Mana as they each step into their own.
That being said, I found Idoly Pride Episode 8 a bit slow in places. It seems kind of wasteful, considering that there are only four more episodes in this cour. I would have liked to see the girls start preparing for the finals a bit more. Then again, episodes like this do have an important role, especially when it comes to growing the beard and developing the characters.
Truth be told, I found Kotono to be the backbone of this episode. Even more so now that she’s nearly at the same level as her sister. Once again, she has to confront her reasons for why she’s doing this and has to find strength within herself.
Additionally, Sakura—who’s like, one of the best characters in Idoly Pride—gets a lot of character development as well. She starts to grow more into her own person instead of a shadow of Mana’s voice. It’s well-executed, enough that I felt like Sakura was finally starting to thrive with her own sound, even if she still sounds like Nagase Mana.
In the end, Idoly Pride Episode 8 is a pretty solid episode with lots of good tidbits. Kotono, our main protagonist, continues to rise to the occasion. I think this becomes especially key as she strives to seek her dreams on the big stage. The proverbial gauntlet has been thrown down for Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace, especially for Kotono. Yet Kotono’s intent to do just that is clear, as are the intentions of all the girls under Hoshimi Production. I really, truly hope they face off at the end of the Next Venus Grand Prix.
Now, it’s just a matter of reaching the top, and y’all? I’m so excited to see Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace give it their all. It’ll be a long, long wait until Idoly Pride Episode 9. I hope this week goes by quickly!
Idoly Pride is now streaming on Funimation.
Idoly Pride Episode 8
Now, it’s just a matter of reaching the top, and y’all? I’m so excited to see Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace give it their all. It’ll be a long, long wait until Idoly Pride Episode 9. I hope this week goes by quickly!